Mobile Extended Profiles support forum

This is support thread for the mobile module Mobile Extended Profiles. Please feel free to ask any questions about this module here.
Quote · 11 Nov 2013


Quote · 11 Nov 2013



 Thanks :) Yes, it is! I love what we did :)
Quote · 11 Nov 2013


I've been playing around with the boonex app, now that I've got this great module, together with your Chat module.

I've encountered this on my iPhone4:

Using the 'Extended Profiles' feature, it goes a bit wonky after four members as you can see.

I don't have an Android phone.  I gather the search for females option doesn't work, but I'm not sure, it's what I've been told.

Could you see if this could be fixed?  As I want to promote the app, as your module is the only reason why we should use the boonex app.

photo 1.PNG · 294.9K · 256 views
Quote · 23 Feb 2014


Using the 'Extended Profiles' feature, it goes a bit wonky after four members as you can see.

 This is strange behavior. Please email me your site URL and user access, I'll check it and will be back to you asap.
Quote · 23 Feb 2014

I believe this module would benefit from an additional feature, to enable the go online/offline button would be a great benefit.

Quote · 9 Mar 2014


I believe this module would benefit from an additional feature, to enable the go online/offline button would be a great benefit.

 Thank you for suggestion, but could you please explain what do you mean "to enable the go online/offline button"?
Quote · 9 Mar 2014


I was referring to the, Online, Offline, Busy & Away buttons from the site.  I think the module only reads online people from the site, and not from the module.

If the module can show site members either on the PC or on the smartphone, that the member is online, just by turning their online/offline status on or off.  That would help.

Whilst I was writing the above, I thought this up.  What might be a good idea for PC users is to possibly see a phone icon next to the online status, so they can see the smartphone users are actually using the smart app.

Quote · 9 Mar 2014

Online status switch is not Chat-related functionality. As well as Chat module cannot set "phone icon" to member online status - it's outside of Chat module boundaries and not related to chat, but to the app itself.


If member wants to change his online status on the site, it would be strange to go to chat window in order to set it. It should be somewhere else in the app, but as far as I know, currently there's no such possibility.
Quote · 9 Mar 2014

I wasn't saying use the chat module to set the online/offline status, but this module instead.

When I use any app, I can see myself online automatically.  This app, I can only see the onsite members online.

If I can let people know I'm on & available, that would be nice.

I for one can't see myself online (when using the app).  I suspect there are more people on than it actually highlights.

Quote · 10 Mar 2014

Oh, sorry, seems like I have mistaken in topics with Chat module :)

But in any ways, online status is known mobile app bug, it's not module-related.
Quote · 10 Mar 2014

Oh I see, didn't realise there was a known bug.  Thought it would be a useful addition.

Quote · 10 Mar 2014

It seems the members thumbnail image is very bad quality.. very pixelated. Once you open the pics they are high quality.. How can we keep the quality of the image for thumbnails and enlarged images?

Quote · 2 May 2014


It seems the members thumbnail image is very bad quality.. very pixelated. Once you open the pics they are high quality.. How can we keep the quality of the image for thumbnails and enlarged images?

 Please send me your site URL and test access, I'll check it asap. Should be normal quality, tested many times.
Quote · 2 May 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.