This will change the default TinyMCE code editor in page builder to one with syntax highlighting.
Screen shot of code editor:
Plugin download:
Decompress and upload the 'advcode' directory to your /plugins/tiny_mce/plugins directory
Edit /administration/js/page_builder_tiny.js
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
editor_selector : "form_input_html",
content_css : "plugins/tiny_mce/dolphin.css",
plugins : "advcode,style,layer,table, ....... (Add the text in red
Find the line:
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "charmap,emotions,|,cite,abbr,acronym,attribs,|,preview,removeformat,|,code,help",
Change to:
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "charmap,emotions,|,cite,abbr,acronym,attribs,|,preview,removeformat,|,advcode,help",
This will just add the new code editor to page builder. You can also add this editor to the user side by making the appropriate changes to the js file located in /plugins/tiny_mce/themes/advanced, although regular members probably won't give a rats ass about syntax highlighting.