Migration / License / Orca ???

Need help, please. I am starting a new topic because I searched for 'migration' and and didn't see anything relevant. I have migrated my dolphin / orca / ray to a different server and a few things need fixing.



1) My adfree license is not working. It appears correctly in the admin control panel, but the ads are shows. There is another post where the problem is similar, but I just want to double check. Should the license be uninstalled and then reinstalled, or is there a different problem going on.


I have tried the procedure outlined in this post, but it does not make the ads go way.



The instructions for fixing the adfree are not working. That is, I have removed the license, saved the setting, exited the admin, and restarted the admin. But I am not getting the orange box that asks me to enter a code for adfree. I have tried this a few time, but dolphin does not permit this migrated version to become adfree.


2) There was a problem getting forums to run, but changing permissions for /usr/www/users/bizwiz/bizwiz.com/html/networking/orca/conf/params.conf from 644 to 666 worked.


The main page does not display summary forums from orca. Forums now only work when the Forums button is clicked, but the main page does not display any Forums. It just looks like it is trying to load them, but never does.


3) Permissions in general. Because of item #1 and #2, I am concerned that I may have other broken things as a result of the migration. What else should I be doing to identify and fix things that may not have survived the trip from one machine to another?


I have now migrated two different domains, and the exact same problems are occuring.

For each domain, I have run the full array of permissions from




Thank you.

Quote · 25 Aug 2008

You have to ask boonex to migrate too! the old url match the lic you have.

I have done this a couple time for clients. You need to send you unity logins so they can get verify your licenses. It should take a little while but dont worry they get to it soner or later.

To be clear ...when you buy a license for xxx.com your licenses will only work for that url, to change it is not an option. You have to ask boonex really really nice to change i for you on their end so the ads will go away.

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 25 Aug 2008

Thank you, MrPowless. I was not clear. I am migrating the domain. This should be easy. mysqldump. and tar of the primary dolphin directory, unload the tarball and run the permissions just to be sure. But, obviously, I am missing something.

These procedures should work. But the result has a couple of problems that I have identified.




Quote · 25 Aug 2008

You have to ask boonex to migrate too! the old url match the lic you have.

I have done this a couple time for clients. You need to send you unity logins so they can get verify your licenses. It should take a little while but dont worry they get to it soner or later.

To be clear ...when you buy a license for xxx.com your licenses will only work for that url, to change it is not an option. You have to ask boonex really really nice to change i for you on their end so the ads will go away.


i think he has not changed the domain, so a bind to the url shouldnt be a factor here. and i am sure that boonex is not binding to the IP address. i have moved several dolphin accounts and not had any troubles like bizwiz is facing.



sounds like a bad pack job ~ !

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 25 Aug 2008

these good?:

Dolphin 6 has several files which must be changed after transfer to another folder or domain:
1) inc/header.inc.php
must be changed value of the following variables according settings of new place:

all elements of $db array (usually it no need if you justmove from subfolder)

2) cmd.php, notifies.php, tags.php files from periodic folder. All of them have next string:
require_once( '[path_to]/inc/header.inc.php' );

where [path_to] must be changed according current path to Dolphin folder
3) ray/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php
change string include("[path_to]/inc/header.inc.php"); via way from previous point

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 25 Aug 2008

After I loaded / opened the tar, I ran egrep -r for references to the previous directory path. I edited all of the ones you mentioned, mrpowless.

Regarding the one issue of the license, I suppose it is possible that boonex is binding to the IP, but the behavior is odd. When I remove the license code at the advanced setting, save it without, log out, and log back on as admin, it does not interrupt me for a license. AND it has a blank field for the license in the settings. It is as if my entry has no impact. It seems to be permanently set to FREE ...regardless of what I do.

As for the forums. They display fine at the at forum section. It is just the main entry page that doesn't want to display and looks like it is trying to load something in that spot.


Quote · 25 Aug 2008

those are 2 things to do also save advanced settings and recompile orca

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 25 Aug 2008

I tried to recompile orca, as you suggested. It failed. Said to check permissions. I ran the permissions scripts again.. . straight from the http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DetailedInstall. Since I am not getting failure messages when I run the chmod, I assume that it is finding and setting the directories and files as instructed.


Clearly there is some permission being missed that affects the license and orca.


%chmod 777 backup cache groups/gallery groups/orca/cachejs groups/orca/classes groups/orca/js groups/orca/layout groups/orca/log inc langs media/images media/images/banners media/images/blog media/images/classifieds media/images/gallery media/images/profile media/images/profile_bg media/images/promo media/images/promo/original media/images/sdating media/images/sharingImages media/sound media/video orca/cachejs orca/classes orca/conf orca/js orca/layout orca/log periodic tmp
%chmod 777 ray/modules/board/files ray/modules/chat/files ray/modules/im/files ray/modules/movie/files ray/modules/mp3/files ray/modules/music/files ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe

chmod 666 inc/db_cached/MenuContent.inc inc/db_cached/PageView.inc inc/db_cached/ProfileFields.inc inc/db_cached/SiteStat.inc inc/params.inc.php inc/prof.inc.php periodic/cmd.php periodic/cupid.php periodic/notifies.php

%chmod 666 ray/modules/board/xml/config.xml ray/modules/board/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/board/xml/main.xml ray/modules/board/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml ray/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/chat/xml/main.xml ray/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/desktop/xml/config.xml ray/modules/desktop/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/desktop/xml/main.xml ray/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/global/data/integration.dat ray/modules/global/inc/cron.inc.php ray/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php ray/modules/global/xml/config.xml ray/modules/global/xml/main.xml ray/modules/im/xml/config.xml ray/modules/im/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/im/xml/main.xml ray/modules/im/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/movie/xml/config.xml ray/modules/movie/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/movie/xml/main.xml ray/modules/movie/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/mp3/xml/config.xml ray/modules/mp3/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/mp3/xml/main.xml ray/modules/mp3/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/music/xml/config.xml ray/modules/music/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/music/xml/main.xml ray/modules/music/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/presence/xml/config.xml ray/modules/presence/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/presence/xml/main.xml ray/modules/presence/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/config.xml ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/main.xml ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/skins.xml ray/modules/video/xml/config.xml ray/modules/video/xml/langs.xml ray/modules/video/xml/main.xml ray/modules/video/xml/skins.xml inc/ProfileFields.inc


Finally (as per post installation instructions):

%chmod 755 inc periodic
%chmod 644 periodic/cmd.php periodic/notifies.php periodic/cupid.php ray/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php


Everything works fine from within the orca directory. That is, I can post and start new topics. It also shows the realtime entries. The only thing that doesn't seem to work with regard to orca is the summary section on the main page. It just will not resolve.


RE the ad-free license. Still can not get the ads to go away.

Quote · 25 Aug 2008

To make dolphin licenses work - you need your php settings to be correct.


allow_url_fopen = On (in php.ini)




php_flag allow_url_fopen on (in .htaccess)


I believe this is also true for other sections of the service.


Hosting companies sometimes have this this turned off by default for security reasons.


Without proper input checking, a remote script can be included and executed, running whatever commands the attacker chooses as the web server user.


I have asked Boonex to comment on whether their application is secure from this hack.



Quote · 1 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.