From the way you stated this, I thought you were with Boonex, so ran out and did some snaps. The one below shows how it is impossible to edit the category manager for ads. There is no scroll bar, so if you have a big list of categories there you are just stuck- it goes off the bottom of the page. There are more serious issues though. Look at the member search block on the right side of my site On the "industry" dropdown does it cut off for you at the "f's" - on my browser this is financial services. That makes it pretty worthless. I have a scrolling mouse where I can make it work, but I am not sure everyone does - and even if they do, that is just a bad design. See also how the industry names get cut off - looks like crap. Even worse than this however, is the fact that there is no "null" possibility in fields the are built from predefined values - and this screws up both the join form and the searches. There is a long thread on this, and I think we finally got a ticket, but Boonex has not acknowledged that this is even a problem. Do you maybe understand a bit more why were are not trying to chase down every usability issue, when we have major functional issues on our sites?