Mass Mailer, again...

Wink First of all happy new year to all members of the comunity... Wink

Now, is there anybody of hundreds of members make to work "stupid" thing like Mass Mailer???

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Ok, here is the what is wrong, mass mailer work, but... only send mail to members with unconfirmed mails...

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Now, i have change some lines and put every member in qued, in database write ok recepient mail but dont send mail, say:

A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

- Start email send -
Total queued emails: 35
Ready for send: 1
Processed emails: 1

???? any clue ????
Quote · 31 Dec 2009

I cannot beleive that no body give damm for this problem about mass mailer...

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Is the template and web site submit more important to you people than function on site like notifies member about something? Is there any body put Mass mailer into the track?

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

If i had a answer i would give you one, but i don't. If i actually used that function i would want it to work also, but i am a internet service provider and have been for 18 years now. I see mass mail of any kind as spam which is why i don't use the function. But thats just my personal opinion.

Unfortunatly you will have to wait for someone to look into the problem.
Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Why not get yourself something like I have...Mass Mailer....

I enter the addresses in it then export very easy for sending out updates etc to your customers.

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Mass Mailer from Dolphin does work.

Dolphin_Jay and i have spent about four hours today researching this issue. First off All we will step through and make sure that you are utilizing the mass mailer properly.

first thing we do is draft up the email that is going to be sent out.

mass mailer D7

Create Email for Mass Mail

email now gets submitted to the database for use now and in the future as it will store your templated emails

email submitted to database

now we checked the database to see that the template has been saved to the database for present and future mailing.

email submitted to database

now in the admin panel we are going to select the email that we wish to send off.

select email that you want to mass mail

email is now fired and queued in the database.

email fired and queued in database

now for those who think it has hung up in queue, which it will present that to you as it never will report that the mail was sent. you can check the database and ensure there is nothing in queue.

check database mail has been sent

as some proof that the mail was sent, i do get this error returned to me that there was a recipient with no email address, however, it has been verified on my database that no such user exists, so not sure what that is about at this point.

receive error message that recipient had no email address

then dolphin_jay sends me a screenshot of the mail he received as you can see the email subject and body are in this email that he received.

email received by member

so that ladies and gentleman is our solution and understanding of the mass mailer working.




When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


is this post needed any more? if not i will remove my long drawn out work in creating the proof this is in fact working.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Applause applause...cant wait to try it.

Excellent work guy

Please keep at least for a few day

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Applause applause...cant wait to try it.

Excellent work guy

Please keep at least for a few day

thanks i can assure you it took longer to make this than it does to run through this how-to and figure it out. hope this works out for you. the one thing i didnt put on here, and that is because other mails were processing, was that was was running:

tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog

to watch my mail logs



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Ok I have my test msg in the Dbase q portion.  Does not show msg sub or text.  Menu options show notify q 1 row.  So my question is how can I send it?  In settings - email templates Send emails from queue, it happens every cron execution (5m-1h) I have 5m...

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Maybe for you Dos work mass mailer, for me dont work. Everything is taken like you say, message is in the database, but dont want to send, say no recepient mail address.... And in the database they are...







I dont know if i missing something here...

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

you have certainly provided some good feedback on this one. ok it is now determined that we are looking at two things and one of them is a bug on the mass mailer. the failed mails going out is telling me that there is something wrong with your smtp setting, because i just tested it again, and the mail goes out, the mails queued in admin never clears, but i watched them leave from the database, and then i received the email in my inbox, also dolphin_jay received the email in his inbox.

for yours to say the mail failed, means they email addresses are not processing across your smtp settings.

that is the one thing i see.

now the part about the mail not having a recipient is a bug in the mailer, without a doubt;

A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------


Subject: =?UTF-8?B?OiBQZXJpb2RpYyBSZXBvcnQ=?=

Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

MIME-Version: 1.0

From: =?UTF-8?B?VGVyYWJ5dGUgSG9zdGluZyBTb2x1dGlvbnM=?= <>

Message-Id: <>

Date: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 14:20:04 -0500

when a user joins your site do you get a notice?

when a user uploads something do you get a notice?

when you subscribe to a user do you get a notice?

can you ask your ISP to check the logs on the /exim

as for the no email recipient, that is a bug i am most certain, and will be reported to trac.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

the no recipients has been reported as a bug.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

when a user joins your site do you get a notice?

when a user uploads something do you get a notice?

when you subscribe to a user do you get a notice?

1. i get notice when user join site....

2. i dont get mail when user upload something...

3. i dont have subsribers on my site, i have disable that, there is no culture in my portion of country that someone subscribe for something ...

Quote · 3 Jan 2010

@DosDawg, what you say about it?

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

First time i tested this mass mailer and it seems i have the same prob like avantguardia !

And according to DosDawg and this ticker here : it seems that there's a bug

In this ticket Alex mention to check if there's any empy email in the sys_sbs_users , witch i did and it lookes like there's no Emails but my question what should i do to make it work ?

Thanks .


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Quote · 4 Jan 2010

In sys_sbs_user there is email of the user as you can see from my picture... so i dont know why  they ask all over again for that??? something is wrong with mass mailer and that is fact, i dont know how to ilustrate this isssue any more....

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

In sys_sbs_user there is email of the user as you can see from my picture... so i dont know why  they ask all over again for that??? something is wrong with mass mailer and that is fact, i dont know how to ilustrate this isssue any more....

Man what you show in the Your Picture that's not Sys_sbs_user but that Sys_sbs_queue !!! But if you looke in sys_sbs_user it lookes for me like there's no EMAILS ! so please check Sys_sbs_users as it state in the ticket and let me know .



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Quote · 4 Jan 2010

In sys_sbs_user there is email of the user as you can see from my picture... so i dont know why  they ask all over again for that??? something is wrong with mass mailer and that is fact, i dont know how to ilustrate this isssue any more....

Man what you show in the Your Picture that's not Sys_sbs_user but that Sys_sbs_queue !!! But if you looke in sys_sbs_user it lookes for me like there's no EMAILS ! so please check Sys_sbs_users as it state in the ticket and let me know .



I checked that too, email of the user are there...

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

In sys_sbs_user there is email of the user as you can see from my picture... so i dont know why  they ask all over again for that??? something is wrong with mass mailer and that is fact, i dont know how to ilustrate this isssue any more....

Man what you show in the Your Picture that's not Sys_sbs_user but that Sys_sbs_queue !!! But if you looke in sys_sbs_user it lookes for me like there's no EMAILS ! so please check Sys_sbs_users as it state in the ticket and let me know .



I checked that too, email of the user are there...

As for me it's Empty lol , so we have to wait until someone come to rescue the boat from sinking lol .



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Quote · 4 Jan 2010

Here is the prof that i dont lie....





Quote · 4 Jan 2010

I didn't say your lieying mate but i have no users showing in my sys_sbs_users so it's empty for me !

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Quote · 4 Jan 2010

I found a problem in logic.  See this post.  May not be your problem, but might be worth looking at:



Quote · 4 Jan 2010

Hi to all... me too i have a problem with mass mailer... I have 713 members, but when i click on the submit botton ... i get only 2 mail in queue ...

What or where i have to check?  From : administration>Member i can see the e-mail address of the member, also if i try to send one e-mail to one member is working... Why not the mass mailer?

My sys_sbs_user it's empty, and also the sys_sbs_queue (when mass mailer tell me has 2 mails in queue) it's empty...

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Dont try to find the answer... Fact is that mass mailer dont work. Somehow, Boonex want to answer for this. So i only hope that they will answer when they finally fix this issue... Till than... Go without mass mailer my friend...

Quote · 8 Jan 2010

Hi to all... me too i have a problem with mass mailer... I have 713 members, but when i click on the submit botton ... i get only 2 mail in queue ...

What or where i have to check?  From : administration>Member i can see the e-mail address of the member, also if i try to send one e-mail to one member is working... Why not the mass mailer?

My sys_sbs_user it's empty, and also the sys_sbs_queue (when mass mailer tell me has 2 mails in queue) it's empty...

I think you will find the reason that only 2 emails end up in the queue is because the other 711 do not have the check box to "Receive mass mail" checked. And the other 2 profiles do.

Quote · 9 Jan 2010

I didn't say your lieying mate but i have no users showing in my sys_sbs_users so it's empty for me !

Hi, my sys_sbs_users it's empty.. but how to have something inside? I check my members and some of they have the emailnotification set to 1...

So if i whant to change all to 1 ( i have 700 members i can not do manually) how i can do, and how to move to the sys_sbs_users table?

Thank you..

Quote · 29 Jan 2010

I just tried to the mail mailer and it only queued 178 members.  Any idea why all the other members were left out of the email queue/

Quote · 1 Feb 2010

Hi, nobody know if the problem with mass mailer is fixed or not?

I can not remember where to check in the boonex site the fixed bugs ...

thank you

Quote · 16 Feb 2010

Rules →
Quote · 18 Feb 2010

applying this fix from this ticket seems to have done the trick. the message i get now is:

- Start email send - Total queued emails: 14 Ready for send: 14 Processed emails: 14

however, it took some time for the cron to fire, well over 5 minutes.

AlexT if you would, can you tell me where to adjust this cron job for the mails to fire.

Good job on fixing this and keep up the good work.



why are those lines appearing on here in safari ():

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 18 Feb 2010

applying this fix from this ticket seems to have done the trick. the message i get now is:

- Start email send - Total queued emails: 14 Ready for send: 14 Processed emails: 14

however, it took some time for the cron to fire, well over 5 minutes.

AlexT if you would, can you tell me where to adjust this cron job for the mails to fire.

Good job on fixing this and keep up the good work.



why are those lines appearing on here in safari ():

sys_cron_jobs table, clean cache after changing anything in this table.

Rules →
Quote · 19 Feb 2010

Alex,  I posted on another thread, but there is no way to send a mass message out to members who have no birthday.  Many business sites do not require it.  Members included several different solutions - could we include one on the next release - I actually don't think even dating sites would normally want to send messages out to certain age ranges.

Also, the checkbox for letting members receive, or not receive broadcast emails is not available for admin edit - perhaps you thought this should only be under member control, but admin should have it also - for example not sending a message to member who is mad at you!  This capability is available in Deano's tools, but should be part of the base product.

This thread I think addresses this issue, the "the queue" from the admin perspective, is how many emails you have submitted to be sent, not how the chron is processing it - 50 at a time, or whatever.


Quote · 19 Feb 2010

Ok smarty pants, explain this.... I also noticed the emails setting in queue. Every so often, it sends 20 until it exhausts whats in the queue. I am assuming it's a function of the cron job.

Now the really weird part. This is the email I received from the system



Dear Skyforum,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that



Dear Colotow,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that



Dear Ed Johnson,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that



Dear Big Bob,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that



Wow. The new site is coming along very nicely! The reason for this email is to test the sites email system. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I have tested and implemented the video conferencing and chat system. Come read about it and test it out.


<a href="">Video Conferencing on TowNation</a>


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.









Then I started getting these ...

To:                                                                            <----------- Notice no address here ....
Subject: =?UTF-8?B?OiBQZXJpb2RpYyBSZXBvcnQ=?=
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id:                              <------- I changed these ..
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 00:40:06 -0600

- Start email send -
Total queued emails: 60
Ready for send: 20
Processed emails: 20 ... Hosted by!
Quote · 25 Feb 2010

Ok, I found the changeset for the mysterious vanishing email addresses here:

You can ignore the second part of my post... ... Hosted by!
Quote · 25 Feb 2010

I'm having the same problem when sending message to all members. It duplicates some part of the mail. Does anybody have a solution for this???

Ok smarty pants, explain this.... I also noticed the emails setting in queue. Every so often, it sends 20 until it exhausts whats in the queue. I am assuming it's a function of the cron job.

Now the really weird part. This is the email I received from the system

Dear Skyforum,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that


Dear Colotow,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that


Dear Ed Johnson,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that


Dear Big Bob,

TowNation Administrators are glad to inform you that


Wow. The new site is coming along very nicely! The reason for this email is to test the sites email system. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I have tested and implemented the video conferencing and chat system. Come read about it and test it out.

<a href="">Video Conferencing on TowNation</a>


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.


NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of TowNation or subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".


TowNation Mail delivery system. Auto-generated e-mail, please do not reply. Thank you.

Then I started getting these ...

To:                                                                            <----------- Notice no address here ....
Subject: =?UTF-8?B?OiBQZXJpb2RpYyBSZXBvcnQ=?=
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <------- I changed these ..
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 00:40:06 -0600

- Start email send -
Total queued emails: 60
Ready for send: 20
Processed emails: 20

Quote · 26 Feb 2010

Uht oh ---

I applied changeset 13641 to eliminate the no recipient problem. Didn't work.


A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

To:                                             <------------- Still no recipient! Email generated after fix was implemented
Subject: =?UTF-8?B??=
X-PHP-Script: for
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Nobody <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:34:56 -0600 ... Hosted by!
Quote · 28 Feb 2010

We also do have the problems with Mass mailer in Dolphin 7.0

We tried to send a test newsletter to 7 subsribers in our system.

And the message is stuck in the Queue and doesn't go any further.

It says:

"Queue status: 7 mails in the queue"

What should we do? How can we fix the problem? Cause we need periodically update our

members about news in our network.

Quote · 28 Feb 2010

I see that many have problems with Mass Mailer in Dolphin 7.0.

So... is it possible to have integration with Aweber then for Dolphin 7?

Then we can send newsletters from Aweber to our members.

Quote · 28 Feb 2010

Check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email field.

Uht oh ---

I applied changeset 13641 to eliminate the no recipient problem. Didn't work.

A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

To:                                             <------------- Still no recipient! Email generated after fix was implemented
Subject: =?UTF-8?B??=
X-PHP-Script: for
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Nobody <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:34:56 -0600

Rules →
Quote · 28 Feb 2010

We also do have the problems with Mass mailer in Dolphin 7.0

We tried to send a test newsletter to 7 subsribers in our system.

And the message is stuck in the Queue and doesn't go any further.

It says:

"Queue status: 7 mails in the queue"

What should we do? How can we fix the problem? Cause we need periodically update our

members about news in our network.

First of all check if cron job is setup correctly.

Rules →
Quote · 28 Feb 2010


Check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email field.


Uht oh ---

I applied changeset 13641 to eliminate the no recipient problem. Didn't work.


A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

To:                                             <------------- Still no recipient! Email generated after fix was implemented
Subject: =?UTF-8?B??=
X-PHP-Script: for
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Nobody <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:34:56 -0600


 Nope. All the records have email addresses. No empty fields


Also, these are the exact same users that were in the email I posted above. ... Hosted by!
Quote · 28 Feb 2010

I had this same problem and found 2 issues that had to be resolved.

The first issue is valid email addresses.  In my table, some profiles had email addresses like xxx@something,com (notice the , instead of a .) or were xxx@somethingcom .  These accounted for a handful of errors, once I went through and handcorrected them, most of my invalid email addresses were fixed.

Once I applied the global change in the changeset, the few remaining invalid email addresses were fixed.  Now I get only 1 invalid error and I suspect that it is due to a wrong email address input again, but I don't have the time to go through all my members to try and find it.

@alex, would it be possible to force email validation like password to ensure they type it in correctly, which can help eliminate some of these issues?

Quote · 1 Mar 2010


We also do have the problems with Mass mailer in Dolphin 7.0

We tried to send a test newsletter to 7 subsribers in our system.

And the message is stuck in the Queue and doesn't go any further.

It says:

"Queue status: 7 mails in the queue"

What should we do? How can we fix the problem? Cause we need periodically update our

members about news in our network.

 You do realize that the emails do not go out right away. They will not process until the cron runs. That happens dependant on how you have it setup. ... Hosted by!
Quote · 1 Mar 2010

First of all check if cron job is setup correctly.

Thanks for your reply. Yes.. you are right... cron jobs are not setup, cause our hosting company did installation for us.

And now... we are wondering - how can we get now the actual Cron Job commands which have been generated by the script at the 6th step of the installation process?


Quote · 1 Mar 2010

I had this same problem and found 2 issues that had to be resolved.

The first issue is valid email addresses.  In my table, some profiles had email addresses like xxx@something,com (notice the , instead of a .) or were xxx@somethingcom .  These accounted for a handful of errors, once I went through and handcorrected them, most of my invalid email addresses were fixed.

Once I applied the global change in the changeset, the few remaining invalid email addresses were fixed.  Now I get only 1 invalid error and I suspect that it is due to a wrong email address input again, but I don't have the time to go through all my members to try and find it.

@alex, would it be possible to force email validation like password to ensure they type it in correctly, which can help eliminate some of these issues?


Where are these incorrect emails ? in Profiles or sys_sbs_users table ?

Rules →
Quote · 2 Mar 2010

I had this same problem and found 2 issues that had to be resolved.

The first issue is valid email addresses.  In my table, some profiles had email addresses like xxx@something,com (notice the , instead of a .) or were xxx@somethingcom .  These accounted for a handful of errors, once I went through and handcorrected them, most of my invalid email addresses were fixed.

Once I applied the global change in the changeset, the few remaining invalid email addresses were fixed.  Now I get only 1 invalid error and I suspect that it is due to a wrong email address input again, but I don't have the time to go through all my members to try and find it.

@alex, would it be possible to force email validation like password to ensure they type it in correctly, which can help eliminate some of these issues?


Where are these incorrect emails ? in Profiles or sys_sbs_users table ?

Profiles table I just went into sys_sbs_users and just found an incorrect email there too, now I get no errors!

Quote · 2 Mar 2010

Check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email field.

Uht oh ---

I applied changeset 13641 to eliminate the no recipient problem. Didn't work.

A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

To:                                             <------------- Still no recipient! Email generated after fix was implemented
Subject: =?UTF-8?B??=
X-PHP-Script: for
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Nobody <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:34:56 -0600

Nope. All the records have email addresses. No empty fields

Also, these are the exact same users that were in the email I posted above.


Please check if "Site Email" in Dolphin admin panel -> settings -> basic settings is not empty

Rules →
Quote · 2 Mar 2010

First of all check if cron job is setup correctly.

Thanks for your reply. Yes.. you are right... cron jobs are not setup, cause our hosting company did installation for us.

And now... we are wondering - how can we get now the actual Cron Job commands which have been generated by the script at the 6th step of the installation process?



You need to run cron.php file from periodic folder. I hope you have an idea in your 777 ideas on how run run this php file from command line :)

Rules →
Quote · 2 Mar 2010

I had this same problem and found 2 issues that had to be resolved.

The first issue is valid email addresses.  In my table, some profiles had email addresses like xxx@something,com (notice the , instead of a .) or were xxx@somethingcom .  These accounted for a handful of errors, once I went through and handcorrected them, most of my invalid email addresses were fixed.

Once I applied the global change in the changeset, the few remaining invalid email addresses were fixed.  Now I get only 1 invalid error and I suspect that it is due to a wrong email address input again, but I don't have the time to go through all my members to try and find it.

@alex, would it be possible to force email validation like password to ensure they type it in correctly, which can help eliminate some of these issues?


Where are these incorrect emails ? in Profiles or sys_sbs_users table ?

Profiles table I just went into sys_sbs_users and just found an incorrect email there too, now I get no errors!

I have changed description in this ticket - to add extended email checking on subscription form.

Rules →
Quote · 2 Mar 2010




Check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email field.


Uht oh ---

I applied changeset 13641 to eliminate the no recipient problem. Didn't work.


A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

To:                                             <------------- Still no recipient! Email generated after fix was implemented
Subject: =?UTF-8?B??=
X-PHP-Script: for
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VG93TmF0aW9u?= <>
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Nobody <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:34:56 -0600


Nope. All the records have email addresses. No empty fields


Also, these are the exact same users that were in the email I posted above.


Please check if "Site Email" in Dolphin admin panel -> settings -> basic settings is not empty

Yes, there is a valid email address in both fields under basic settings. I did however, find an error in my own email server. I had the outgoing email limits set too low and the email server timed out. This was followed by a bunch of error messages that stacked up in the queue further complicating things. In the end, I flushed 1200 waiting emails from the queue and reset the limit to 'unlimited', then spent an hour deleting emails locally that left the queue before I could delete them and all is well.

You should see how an IPhone handles an onslaught of email like that. I got tired of deleting them so I just waved the whole phone in front of a big magnet!

I'm the only person I know that can set up an endless loop in an email server that's not functioning to the point of total disaster. I HATE email servers....

What does all this mean?

Most likely the email I said showed up after I made the changes in the changeset was an old email that was created days ago. I have not received one since I applied the changes so all is well for now. ... Hosted by!
Quote · 2 Mar 2010

First of all check if cron job is setup correctly.

Thanks for your reply. Yes.. you are right... cron jobs are not setup, cause our hosting company did installation for us.

And now... we are wondering - how can we get now the actual Cron Job commands which have been generated by the script at the 6th step of the installation process?



You need to run cron.php file from periodic folder. I hope you have an idea in your 777 ideas on how run run this php file from command line :)

Thanks a lot!!!

And is it possible to have really Aweber integration with Dolphin 7? If yes, what will be the price?

Quote · 2 Mar 2010

Can I just add to this post by saying that there have been issues that I have experienced with the Mass Mailer and it has been confirmed elsewhere in this post that Boonex are aware.

I also want to add something else though which I experienced.  As with everything best described with a picture -

Mass Mail

When selecting Send to subscribers as well as send to members the emails that I sent out were addressed to the recipient from the member list and also the one and only name that I had on the subscribe list.  This is not good and another thing that needs to be brought to bonnex attention.

See this picture - M = Member, S = Subscriber


Quote · 7 Mar 2010

Sorry guys, Maybe just me but the pictures I put in do not seem to be showing up, Sorry.

Quote · 7 Mar 2010 is the local fule path to the image. To make them work, you need to use the actual URL. In other words, you need to use the file path that's relative to the domain name. The 'public_html' in your image URL was a dead giveaway... ... Hosted by!
Quote · 7 Mar 2010

Ah yeah thanks for that, Silly Me... Didn't check that real well did i

Quote · 7 Mar 2010

Oh well - my problem is that my messages get stuck in the queue and don't go anywhere!!!!!

Quote · 3 May 2010

As with everything best described with a picture -

Mass Mail

When selecting Send to subscribers as well as send to members the emails that I sent out were addressed to the recipient from the member list and also the one and only name that I had on the subscribe list.  This is not good and another thing that needs to be brought to bonnex attention.

See this picture - M = Member, S = Subscriber




Just wondering if anyone knows if this error has been addressed in the 7.0.1 update?  I will test later when I have some time but just curious if anyone else had come across the same or similar issue.

Quote · 4 May 2010

i have also the same problem. Mails stay at queue

Quote · 8 Jul 2010

As with everything best described with a picture -

Mass Mail

When selecting Send to subscribers as well as send to members the emails that I sent out were addressed to the recipient from the member list and also the one and only name that I had on the subscribe list.  This is not good and another thing that needs to be brought to bonnex attention.

See this picture - M = Member, S = Subscriber




Just wondering if anyone knows if this error has been addressed in the 7.0.1 update?  I will test later when I have some time but just curious if anyone else had come across the same or similar issue.

THIS was fixed in 7.0.2

Quote · 8 Jul 2010

Mass Mailer >> Never Work for me

im still to get this to work I been looking for support but still not working this veer work for me on the old version and now we on the new version but still not working

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
Quote · 9 Jul 2010

We have had strange problems with mass mailer since d7 upgrade thats for sure. Some messages work fine and others dont, I am working through this thread hoping I can get its fixed.

I had 8k susbcribers from d6 site and the mass mailer worked great but since the "upgrade" it will only send a few not sure whats going on but if I can figure it out I will post here.

Quote · 10 Jul 2010

I have two Dolphin 7.0.2 communities. One of my communities will only queue the first 31 members. It will not queue the remaining 300 members despite EmailNotify being set to '1'.  Has anyone else experienced this? With my other community the mass mailers works fine and queues all members.

Quote · 17 Jul 2010

When they goign to fix the  Mass Mailer Please

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
Quote · 19 Jul 2010

So I take it that This is another module that I should delete from the list!

This one site that I am using is still 7.0.0(because of all the patches and changes that I have applied)

And I tried also to use it, and it doesnt work like it supposed to! I will check my 7.0.2 site and see

(I hate removing another module)


Back to pulling my hair out! (ouch, ouch,ouch)
Quote · 31 Aug 2010

@sandalsonly - I dont know of any module that keeps the Mass Mailer from working. So I'm not sure why you would need to remove a module.


The Mass mailer works primarily on the cron job setup in your cPanel/Cron Jobs. If this is not setup properly, then emails will not be sent. Also note that the emails do not instantly go out and may need time to clear the queue depending on how many members you have.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 31 Aug 2010

My cron jobs are setup fine and is not working for mw

I been waiting to fix this  from 6.16 and right now I'm on Dolphin 7.2 still not working Fresh Install


The Mass mailer works primarily on the cron job setup in your cPanel/Cron Jobs. If this is not setup properly, then emails will not be sent. Also note that the emails do not instantly go out and may need time to clear the queue depending on how many members you have.


Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
Quote · 31 Aug 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.