Start with the modules installer.php in modules install folder.
Functions that have the same name as the class have to be changed.
class BxAdsInstaller extends BxDolInstaller
function BxAdsInstaller($aConfig)
class BxAdsInstaller extends BxDolInstaller
function __construct($aConfig)
Do the same with all classes in the classes folder. Find the function that has the same name as the class and change it to function __construct
If that function references the parent, than change the parent to parent::__construct
That should resolve most all of the problems.
Also see my post here, as this also shows it.
In that post i also mention that bx_import lines need to be changes, i was wrong there, they usually don't need to be.
There are other issues, for example if the old module uses the php function list, that section of code may have to be rewritten because the list function works differently in php7. Boonex simply stopped using the function and rewrote all areas of dolphin that used that php function.
Other things such as the php function create_function no longer exists in php7. So if the module uses it, another solution will need to be found.
Dealing with depreciated php functions will be rare. The changes i pointed out should get the module running again.