So far the 2end Beta version covers all the problems I had ecountered.
However I am wondering how come till now nobody ever mentioned the localization issue.
Currently the country field and the city seem to be an independent fields. Also search doesn't include the city (specially in Ads module) . It is very important to have couple of dependent fields to country.
What I mean is that, upon choosing a country , the next dependent field should be state (region or province) and then City.
Why we need this? Let say you are looking for a car to buy and in search box you type Jeep . Now the only searchable field available is the country. Let say you choose USA from the drop-down. Can you imagine how many unwanted results will appear ? Sure if you live in Miami are not interested in the jeep for sale in Seattle right?
This was just an example of how important the localization is. This example can be expanded to other applications and modules as well. I am talking about directories, ads, groups, dating modules and so on and so forth.
I got lots of modules from Modzzz and they have already implemented this dependent fields to their modules.
I was wondering if there is a way and not too much to ask to communicate with Modzzz and get this functionality added to all the areas where the country field is being used. So that
1) At the data entry level the Country-> State - > City will be added
2) At the query result Country-State-City shown on the return page.
3) At the search level Country-> State - > City be a part of search query where needed.
If this is too much to ask , please add this to your to do list for version 7.2.1 , be cause it is very important part of an international social network sites.
Best Regards