Hi everyone! I'm at a loss. I completely upgraded my site last week, and today, I went to the Join Page, and it is completely blank. No menu, no text, page source is empty, no footer. Nothing. I don't understand.
I just fully upgraded all the way to the most current version from 7.1.3 to 7.3.3 (yes, long overdue, but changes to the Facebook API forced me to upgrade, and so I did!)
I have tried replacing the join file and I made sure the bxdol and basetempl join pages are correct and were overwritten. Near as I can figure it, it is failing before loading the page template. Neither the pop up for join page nor the actual join page will load.
I checked my admin settings for the join page against the demo, and it looks correct. I am in template alt, not a custom template (I had to ditch my custom template for the upgrade)
Any help would be appreciated!