There is code to display errors built in, but commented out.
function doShowError( eForm, sField, iInd, sError ) {
var $Field = $( "[name='" + sField + "']", eForm ); // single (system) field
if( !$Field.length ) // couple field
$Field = $( "[name='" + sField + '[' + iInd + ']' + "']", eForm );
if( !$Field.length ) // couple multi-select
$Field = $( "[name='" + sField + '[' + iInd + '][]' + "']", eForm );
if( !$Field.length ) // couple range (two fields)
$Field = $( "[name='" + sField + '[' + iInd + '][0]' + "'],[name='" + sField + '[' + iInd + '][1]' + "']", eForm );
//alert( sField + ' ' + $Field.length );
$Field.parents('td:first').addClass( 'error' );
.addClass( 'error' )
.children( 'img.warn' )
.attr('float_info', sError)
It's not written well. Should be something like alert( sField + ' is required.');
It also will reappear for each missing field it find which could be a pain.