Join Page Text Boxes

Okay, it is official.  Boonex hates us old people, they are trying to get us out of the Web Site Business by creating software for our sites that will cause anyone over the age of 14 to not be able to find the text boxes.  What is up with this tiny little thing boonex?  It's a known fact that original content improves ranking, giving people a larger area to type promotes they're typing more just to fill the area, thus increasing unique content and improving rankings as the engines crawl through.


So, why did I  need to call up the Hubble Telescope and have them zone in on this so I could type in it?



So I have a request.  If your going to make the text fields this small can you please include a Braille user version for us old people? 

Quote · 7 Aug 2009

Agree with that lolzzzzzz
I need new glasses to....
There is enoch space to get this boxes bigger

Kids first
Quote · 7 Aug 2009


Agree with that lolzzzzzz
I need new glasses to....
There is enoch space to get this boxes bigger

 Agree, why does it have to be the same width as the boxes they type their city in for example?  Obviously we know a city takes nowhere near the room that a profile description is going to take, just make the box wider and taller, it's not that hard to do is it?

Quote · 7 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.