One thing that has endlessly confused me about Dolphin is that it is supposedly social software and yet it limits the amount of interaction, making it very hard for members to interact. When someone comments on a blog or elsewhere, or even worse - comments on a comment, there is no notification for the original poster. So unless the member is obsessive compulsive and checks everywhere they've ever posted on the site over and over and over again, they never even know that someone responded and the "conversation" dies right there. Add to that the fact that the nested comments on any post are cleverly hidden away and it makes the member need to not only be obsessive about checking to see if there are responses, but also obsessive about clicking the "response" links down however many levels the comments are nested. Even if they click the "expand all" link (should they manage to notice that or read the FAQ created about its existence), it only expands to the first level, not all other levels underneath.
This seems counter-intuitive to me. And before someone responds w/ the classic "the members should be smarter/harder-working/different-than-they-are", just know that they aren't. And there is no way for a site admin to MAKE THEM smarter or harder working or different than they are. People are lazy and go to a social site to interact, not to work. It's our job to create sites that cater to the members of the site, not to force the members to work around us.
Rant over.