The only way is by actually re-writing the code so it sends those parameters through POST instead of the command line.
To hide those parameters, I think some modificaiton needed in "ray\modules\global\js\integration.js", can someone indicate how to change? below is the orignial code. ( location=0 don't hide the address bar)
function openRayWidget(sModule, sApp) {
if(aRayApps[sModule][sApp] == undefined)return;
var aInfo = aRayApps[sModule][sApp];
var sUrl = sRayUrl + "index.php?module=" + sModule + "&app=" + sApp;
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length - 2; i++)
sUrl += "&" + aInfo["params"][i] + "=" + arguments[i + 2];
var popupWindow =, 'Ray_' + sModule + '_' + sApp + parseInt(Math.random()*100000), 'top=' + aInfo["top"] + ',left=' + aInfo["left"] + ',width=' + aInfo["width"] + ',height=' + aInfo["height"] + ',toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,resizable=' + aInfo["resizable"]);
if( popupWindow == null )
alert( "You should disable your popup blocker software" );