I'm no real unix guru, so I need some advice.
I use a mac with 10.7 and XAMPP. Uploading Dolphin7 is easy and works - untill I try to install.
I get alle files set to read/write using the finder, but unfortunately some files need to be excutable - and the mac finder doesn't support that.
Is there a way to get around this?
Any hint from othe mac users are welcomed.
I use MAMP as a local staging server. I would guess that XAMPP would be similar. For Windows I use WAMP and I use CentOS as my production server. I also use Ubuntu and that is a bit of a cat to work on. But I've gotten it to work.
Dolphin installs differently on a Mac, but it is possible.
First of all, you mentioned that you are "uploading" your Dolphin files. Are you uploading it to a server or merely doing a local ftp? If you can ftp, then you can apply permissions via ftp. Use Filezilla, it's free.
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site.