That was actually an error on my part. I did it correctly but I took a short cut when pasting here. I copied 77 twice and just added a "2" where needed. I believe the original was 88 or 89. I removed it because I was having problems. So I don't recall the exact number. I went into the db and looked at the last entry which was about 86 or 87 then created a record following the next consecutive number. I wanted to make sure there was no other record with that id. Still, it appears to work when it is in the format;
** => array(
'Func' => 'SharePhotos2',
'Content' => '',
'Caption' => '_Photo Gallery',
'Visible' => 'non,memb',
'DesignBox' => 1
All that works correctly. It's when the 2 is introduced to BxBaseIndex.
The original doc is
function getBlockCode_SharePhotos() {
global $site;
global $dir;
$aMem = array('ID'=>$this->iMemberID);
$oNew = new BxDolSharedMedia('photo', $site, $dir, $aMem);
$aRes = $oNew->getBlockCode_SharedMedia();
return $aRes;
I copied the above and pasted directly below with the following changes
function getBlockCode_SharePhotos2() { <---- as altered in PageView
global $site;
global $dir;
$aMem = array('ID'=>$this->iMemberID);
$oNew = new BxDolSharedMedia2('photo', $site, $dir, $aMem); <---- as altered for the second Gallery
$aRes = $oNew->getBlockCode_SharedMedia();
return $aRes;
This is when the page goes white. It works with the 2 on SharePhotos2. When the 2 is added to BxDolSharedMedia, it is what is causing the white page. However, removing the 2 there calls the original gallery photos and I have two boxes on the index displaying the same content.