IP Dependent Content Display

Hello guys,

Please I have this 4 set of files to display on my pages based on country.

Help me with this codes,


 <script language="JavaScript" src="http://j.maxmind.com/app/country.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
var country=geoip_country_code();
if(country == "US"){
    document.getElement.href = '/indicators/us.html';
if(country == "UK"){
    document.getElement.href = '/indicators/uk.html';
if(country == "CA"){
    document.getElement.href = '/indicators/ca.html';
    document.getElement.href = '/indicators/soon.html';


 I cant get it to work for me. Or maybe it should be in PHP

Am placing it in the HTML block.

Am a newbie please

Quote · 21 Oct 2015

Is installing GeoIP on your server an option for you?  It would be easier to work with than an API, and when using a server-side language instead of html, you'll have a lot more versatility.


Then php code looks like this:

echo "Hello United States";
} elseif ($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] = "UK" ){
echo "Hello United Kingdom";
} elseif ($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] = "CA" ){
echo "Hello Canada";


My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 21 Oct 2015

 Hello HL,

 I have a set of different information for different countries as seen in the screen shot made possible by simply embedding the links in the HTML BLOCK.

However, I tried the other country-specific info to be displays using the following PHP code in the HTML BLOCK

    echo "/indicators/ng.html";
} elseif ($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] = "UK" ){
    echo "/indicators/uk.html"";
} elseif ($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] = "CA" ){
    echo "/indicators/ca.html";


 My Observation
 It gets commented out automatically when saved and displays nothing.
 HOW BEST can I achieve this goal?
 Is this (echo "/indicators/ng.html";) even correct?

 Please help

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Quote · 22 Oct 2015

Thanks for ever responding to me

Quote · 22 Oct 2015

You didn't answer my question

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 22 Oct 2015



I didn't answer because I am not knowledgeable enough in this to know what is best and i thought you were trying to tell me the best option notwithstanding what i had in mind.

So I wont mind installing GeoIP or anything else, my priority is to achieve result and reason why i tried to explain my desired goal


Quote · 22 Oct 2015


So I wont mind installing GeoIP or anything else,

 Then I suggest you first install GeoIP and GeoIP Apache module on your server, or get your hosting provider to do so.



My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 22 Oct 2015

Hi HT,

I am back.

I contacted my host and they told me they cannot install GeoIP2 on Shared server and that leaves me with a PLAN B,

I have installed the Deano Mod to add PHP Block to my site, I inserted this

include 'indicators/ng.html'; and it worked fine.


I want this templates displayed based on the Dolphin Country Value for the profile in view just the way a set of info is displayed based on UserID.

For example,

Assume I have your profile on my site, if I select your profile for viewing and your profile has US in the database as your country of residence, then a template file is included on the profile_info.php page

However, I do not know the string or variable for Country and the correct php code format.

So please correct this following code for me to insert in the PHP Block

if ($_UserCOUNTRY['COUNTRY'] = 'US'  ){

                include 'indicators/us.html';


elseif ($_UserCOUNTRY['COUNTRY'] = UK' ){

    include 'indicators/uk.html';


elseif ($_UserCOUNTRY['COUNTRY'] = "NG" ){

    include 'indicators/ng.html';


else {

    include 'indicators/soon.html';



Thanks in advance


Quote · 29 Oct 2015
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