IBDW PhotoDeluxe - part 2

5 Nov 2012

Any idea when a 7.1 compatible version will be released?

5 Nov 2012


Any idea when a 7.1 compatible version will be released?

 See here:


6 Nov 2012

5.7 installs on 7.1.0 but simply shows an unformatted list... nothing clickable or formatted as it used to be (all caches manually cleared):

Add album

Album wizard

Title: Description:
             Me onlyPublicMembersFriends                       


of Admin

Moderator's photos

3 Photos


1 Photos


27 Photos


8 Photos


4 Photos

Moderator's wall photos

1 Photos



Admin Team's photos




La foto � stata condivisa correttamente


6 Nov 2012


5.7 installs on 7.1.0 but simply shows an unformatted list... nothing clickable or formatted as it used to be (all caches manually cleared):

Did you get the problem shown in your screen shot in this topic fixed? http://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/Upgrade-error-2012-11-05.htm

If not, installing and testing modules on a broken version of dolphin is not really a good idea. Because there is no way to know if the problem is with the mod, or with dolphin. Dolphin must be operating properly if you expect modules to as well.

6 Nov 2012

It's the same on our fresh install of 7.1.0

7 Nov 2012

7.0.9- Photo Deluxe albums page redirects non logged in "guest" back to the site homepage. I am not seeing or understanding a setting that is doing this. The blocks are set to be "visible by guest".



12 Nov 2012

In 7.1 you cant tag anyone check please and advise :)

15 Nov 2012


In 7.1 you cant tag anyone check please and advise :)

Today we have released the update for PhotoDeluxe (5.8).

This update fix this issue under d7.1

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 Nov 2012

What files were updated - can we just overwrite these? Thanks!

20 Nov 2012

Before when i was using Photodeluxe 5.4 or 5.6 NON Members used to see all photos and Albums but when i upgraded Photo Deluxe version 5.7 Non members can NO longer see photos I have dolphine 7.0.8 How can I keep all photos and Albums to be veiwed to all NON members?

http://www.toottii.com/MikaF try to click on albums or any photo

23 Nov 2012


What files were updated - can we just overwrite these? Thanks!

 For who have already installed the previous version yes.

Today we have released the update 5.9 that improves the compatibility with D7.1 and the template Manta, Shark and You&Me

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
12 Dec 2012


Before when i was using Photodeluxe 5.4 or 5.6 NON Members used to see all photos and Albums but when i upgraded Photo Deluxe version 5.7 Non members can NO longer see photos I have dolphine 7.0.8 How can I keep all photos and Albums to be veiwed to all NON members?

http://www.toottii.com/MikaF try to click on albums or any photo

 Maybe the block view is only for members

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
12 Dec 2012



What files were updated - can we just overwrite these? Thanks!

 For who have already installed the previous version yes.

Today we have released the update 5.9 that improves the compatibility with D7.1 and the template Manta, Shark and You&Me

 And what specifically are the files to overwrite? Thanks!

12 Dec 2012

Sorry and thanks for the question. You can only overwrite the files:

- sistema.php

- view_page

- main.php

- and the file ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/config.php

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
12 Dec 2012

Released PhotoDeluxe 6.0

this version allows to:

- display the title of the picture on the title bar of the browser

- display the "Album of Member name" on the album page title

Also this version add the tag TITLE and the meta tag DESCRIPTION of the picture.


If you use EvoWall and you enable the view for guest for the blocks on of pages photodeluxe and photoview (using the builder page), this will allow you to see the details of the image on the google+ share.

For this version you must reinstall the module.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Jan 2013

Also this version adds the like action for EvoWall (it require you have installed EvoWall)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Jan 2013

In order to mantain the previous tag and comments, you must:

1) download the file ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/sql/uninstall.sql
2) remove the rows:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ibdw_photo_tag`;


The above is instruction on the install on how to upgrade without losing data. However the uninstall file does not even reference the code lines in red using the file location and instruction provided.

17 Jan 2013

Is there a way for a member to see all photos he or she is tagged in?

17 Jan 2013


Also this version adds the like action for EvoWall (it require you have installed EvoWall)



this function dont work on dolphin 7.0.9

17 Jan 2013


Do you have an idea to integrate privacy settings: "Enable 'Create New Privacy Group'".

Some of my members ask me and this is apparently not possible in PhotoDeluxe.

thank you

21 Jan 2013

 I am not one to insist or overly trouble for help but I need some help with my quoted post from 19 days ago below. It tells me how to upgrade without losing important comments and tags in the install instructions. But the references are not seen in the file. Please help. I can not upgrade without this guidance. Perhaps its obvious but I am not seeing it. I need not get my heavily modded site (many of your mods) to 7.1 without getting everything up to date and compatible first. Thanks

In order to mantain the previous tag and comments, you must:

1) download the file ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/sql/uninstall.sql
2) remove the rows:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ibdw_photo_tag`;


The above is instruction on the install on how to upgrade without losing data. However the uninstall file does not even reference the code lines in red using the file location and instruction provided.


5 Feb 2013

I noticed there seems to be a size restriction on the image in photodeluxe in relation to the Facebook share mechanism. If the image is too big (like 1 meg), the popup fails to generate a thumbnail for the Facebook post. Is there a way to overcome this?

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
12 Feb 2013

Actions block on photo view page with 7.1 is showing a messed up action button instead of the "set as avatar" option text. I have recompiled the language and that does not help. See attached screenshot.


avataraction.png · 26.8K · 445 views
12 Feb 2013

I have a button on the profilepages that views the last uploaded picture.
Does somebody have a URL that i can use for that button. If you click on the button you get automatticly linked to the page with all the albums of that person?

17 Feb 2013

Does someone know?

18 Feb 2013

How can i set 1 album for all my photo's?
I have the module EVO Wall and it put my photo's in the album "wall-photo's" and all the avatars are put in the album ... ( nickname ) photo's.

How can i set both photo's in the same album?

19 Feb 2013

Can I suggest a new functionality to Photodeluxe?

It would be really cool to have an option to choose which members could have access to a album or a picture. Or to deny a specificic member access.

21 Feb 2013

Yes I agree with jubiijan - that will be great enhancement if user can choose to who will be an photo or entire album accessible - public, friends,group or specific member. If somebody from not allowed will want see album or photo  there can be a request access button which send profile owner message that some user request access to album and than profil owner can grant access or not. Actually UE30 release similar mod for default dolphin photo gallery with this functionality Also selling access to album can be great so user can actually charge money to access his certain albums - this can be especiall godd for escort service girls wsho can make money on their nude photos.... And last comment  - will be great if u release same module for video also - so it will be same design... just comments :) anyway looks like great module...

3 Mar 2013

I have what seems to me to be an awkward set up right now with this module. I have evowall, 1col, 3 col,mega profile, photo deluxe, etc. This mods works off of the boonex Photo module so it is of course installed.  However when I comment on the boonex platform portion that displays the photo it shows on the evowall news feed on the homepage.  So it says "I made a comment on a particular photo" and then shows the photo that was commented on. When you click on the image to see what this comment is it takes you to Photo Deluxe version of the photo. In this case there is no comment so site visitors are confused to wonder where the supposed comment even is because they do not understand the difference between photo deluxe and boonex. 

So this leads me to wonder what is the best way to stop access to the boonex view of photos? I have already thought that I will take the menu item away in the main navigation. Then take away the comments section on the boonex view of photos. My issue is that the "Latest Photos" block on the homepage links every photo to the boonex photo view. I would like them to go to Photo Deluxe instead.

I am really trying to figure out how to isolate the site users to interacting with Photo Deluxe and avoiding the confusion of why comments and likes and ratings are all mixed up between the dolphin and Photo Deluxe view.

I might be able to get this done but the latest photos block on the homepage would have to be linked to the photo deluxe view instead.  Also emails notifications that are sent out would have to link to photo deluxe instead.


It just a confusing mess for the visitors to understand the photo set up right now.

17 Mar 2013

When I upload images via photo deluxe instead of boonex it does not update the boonex most recent feed for example.  So the boonex photos that you can put on your homepage that shows "top, most recent, etc" does not show the most recent image uploaded when you use photo deluxe.  The two modules are very conflicting to communicate. As well there is so much capable with the boonex module such as a recent photos feed on the homepage and site wide photos instead of just one user.  I was hoping to see an update for this to expand this modules capability like talked about long ago on here. Are there any answers or future advances you are working on for this to better these points and others that have been discussed in the past?


Boonex with their recent updates have improved the photos module as something more desired to use than its 7.0.x predecessor.  However, your module incorporates a more fluid interface, likes and abilities to share (since Im an evowall owner) etc.  While thats a positive point its application is super limited and is only sensical when used without the boonex photo module as your demo sites tend to encourage. This way though there is no community location to see all community photos instead of just one user and having to go to their profile before you see them. I keep rambling my apologies. I would just like the knowledge if you are working on expanding this module to be more capable of its lacking abilities compared to boonex module? 

8 Apr 2013

I agree with myhuntprofile - hope some big update for phbotodeluxe will come out soos solving that as well as more privacy options - so user can allow access to photos to members who request access or from only certain group or restrict photos to membership level so only people from same membership level can see photos. Also ajax loading of photos from gallery would be good...

15 Apr 2013

Here's an odd issue. I posted a photo to the mobile wall using the android app. The post went fine. The photo shows fine.

I then sat down at my desktop and shared the post to my facebook page.

I immediately got posts saying the photo was access denied. I said 'oh crap'

I went in and moved the photo to a public folder. All is well, everyone can view it, it didn't break the link or anything. Was actually shocked it didn;t mess up.

I did notice one thing however. The link that posts when the image fails is http://towtalk.net/page/photoview?iff=4404. When I moved the photo to the public folder, the link remained the same. Still http://towtalk.net/page/photoview?iff=4404 and the photo is now viewable to the public.

What happens if I do the same thing again? Will it default to that address when it fails, then overwrite (or push the first photo aside) if I move it to a public folder like I did the first one?

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
15 Apr 2013

Oh bother. I thought it said 404. It says 4404.... next photo will be 4405.....

Never mind. I love how this place allows me to work through these problems publicly...Tongue Out

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
15 Apr 2013



I noticed that if the spy unit is used and that it was set to display on the site full name, the notification of PhotoDeluxe that always the user name.

It does not do very well because evowall, megaprofil and the rest of the website work with the real name.


How can I correct this problem.


Capture attached

1.PNG · 84.8K · 418 views
Capture.PNG · 312.2K · 436 views
28 Apr 2013

Okay, I made a comment on a photo in Photo Deluxe and it posted twice to the evowall. Anyone have the fix?

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
1 May 2013

Strange, if I click on the photo from the wall it goes to Photodeluxe, but if I click photo tab in nav menu it goes to Boonex photos, but I can see photos in both viewers. The comments are only in the individual view of the photo, but if I go to Album views and pan through photos the comment does not appear, even though there is a comment area.  Also if I like or I comment on the photos it appears on the wall but does not say why. Just confused. Am I set up wrong or is this normal? Maybe my page is set up incorrectly.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
1 May 2013

Bug with the real name in PhotoDeluxe. I meet a big bug when using the real name in PhotoDeluxe when you click on I like. The real name is displayed, but not the avatar and when you click on the name of the person who likes it gets page not found. See below

1 May 2013


Is there a way for a member to see all photos he or she is tagged in?

 we are working on this plugin

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 May 2013


Bug with the real name in PhotoDeluxe. I meet a big bug when using the real name in PhotoDeluxe when you click on I like. The real name is displayed, but not the avatar and when you click on the name of the person who likes it gets page not found. See below

Thanks for the report.

This bug has been fixed on the new version 6.4


About this version:

1) bug fix for the avatar when you use the real name as name format

2) added the compatibility for D7.1.2

3) added the new feature "SET AS COVER" if you'll install the new module "Profile Cover"

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 May 2013




I noticed that if the spy unit is used and that it was set to display on the site full name, the notification of PhotoDeluxe that always the user name.

It does not do very well because evowall, megaprofil and the rest of the website work with the real name.


How can I correct this problem.


Capture attached

 Fixed with PhotoDeluxe 6.4

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 May 2013

today we have uploaded the file "setcoversys.php" for a better support of the name format on the notifications.

If you have already installed the version 6.4, only download this file and overwrite it on the photodeluxe folder.

Then empty the cache.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
18 May 2013

Another improvements for PhotoDeluxe (ver. 6.5)

This update solves the problems for aphostrophos into the album name.

If you have already installed the ver. 6.4, you can only overwrite the files:

  • main.php
  • view.php
  • view_page.php
  • album.php
  • album_reload.php

and empty the cache

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 May 2013

Update PhotoDeluxe 6.7 for D7.1

improved the feature "Set as avatar" for the module IBDW Profile Cover

If you have already installed the ver. 6.6, you can only overwrite the file setcoversys.php and empty the cache

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 May 2013


Update PhotoDeluxe 6.7 for D7.1

improved the feature "Set as avatar" for the module IBDW Profile Cover

If you have already installed the ver. 6.6, you can only overwrite the file setcoversys.php and empty the cache

Minor bug fix with the ver. 6.8, if you have already installed the ver.6.7 you must overwrite only the file  setcoversys.php another time and empty the cache

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
23 May 2013

Will it ever be possible to use the default boonex comment table instead of yours? Or can PD eventually read the existing comments on photos??  I find it impossible to use if all that data is not visible. It's also frustrating if someone find their way to the photo outside of PD then comments on it. No one can see it and they can also not see any of the comments that happen to be left in the PD comment table.  This is a huge drawback for me, making it unusable.

27 May 2013


Will it ever be possible to use the default boonex comment table instead of yours? Or can PD eventually read the existing comments on photos??  I find it impossible to use if all that data is not visible. It's also frustrating if someone find their way to the photo outside of PD then comments on it. No one can see it and they can also not see any of the comments that happen to be left in the PD comment table.  This is a huge drawback for me, making it unusable.

 Not, the PhotoDeluxe is not linked to the comments of the module Boonex Photos. Soon will release a plugin for the public and populars photos, so you can use only photodeluxe for the photos.

Also, today we have uploaded a new update (if you have installed the ver. 6.8 you can only overwrite the file "inserimento.php") that solves a bug with the email notification received for a comment to an album.

PS: the comments to photos or albums made using the default module Boonex Photos are not spied by Boonex Spy, so can't be displayed on the wall (EvoWall or SpyWall), our system is SPY compatible and so you can see the notification on the wall, on the spy block and via email.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
29 May 2013



Will it ever be possible to use the default boonex comment table instead of yours? Or can PD eventually read the existing comments on photos??  I find it impossible to use if all that data is not visible. It's also frustrating if someone find their way to the photo outside of PD then comments on it. No one can see it and they can also not see any of the comments that happen to be left in the PD comment table.  This is a huge drawback for me, making it unusable.

 Not, the PhotoDeluxe is not linked to the comments of the module Boonex Photos. 

PS: the comments to photos or albums made using the default module Boonex Photos are not spied by Boonex Spy, so can't be displayed on the wall (EvoWall or SpyWall), our system is SPY compatible and so you can see the notification on the wall, on the spy block and via email.

 About your PS... yes they are. How else would these notifications be shown in your EVO wall? I'm not sure about ALBUM comments, I don't allow that, but both photo comments and ratings show in the spy module for the default photo module. This is one of your features, grouping of similar events, comments being one of them.

There are too many ways for comments to get mixed up, missed, confused, PD won't ever be useable for me I guess.

29 May 2013




Will it ever be possible to use the default boonex comment table instead of yours? Or can PD eventually read the existing comments on photos??  I find it impossible to use if all that data is not visible. It's also frustrating if someone find their way to the photo outside of PD then comments on it. No one can see it and they can also not see any of the comments that happen to be left in the PD comment table.  This is a huge drawback for me, making it unusable.

 Not, the PhotoDeluxe is not linked to the comments of the module Boonex Photos. 

PS: the comments to photos or albums made using the default module Boonex Photos are not spied by Boonex Spy, so can't be displayed on the wall (EvoWall or SpyWall), our system is SPY compatible and so you can see the notification on the wall, on the spy block and via email.

 About your PS... yes they are. How else would these notifications be shown in your EVO wall? I'm not sure about ALBUM comments, I don't allow that, but both photo comments and ratings show in the spy module for the default photo module. This is one of your features, grouping of similar events, comments being one of them.

There are too many ways for comments to get mixed up, missed, confused, PD won't ever be useable for me I guess.

There is a thing that must be explained.

The commends on the wall are for the post, the comments to a photo are for a content.

The content is a thing, the post is another.

I can comment a photo when I like it, but I can also comment your post saying "why you have shared this content?".

This comment is not referred to the photo but to the sharing action.


Anyway today we released an update (if you have installed the ver 6.9 you can only overwrite the files and empty the cache) that solves a bug when you cancel a photo upload.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 May 2013





Will it ever be possible to use the default boonex comment table instead of yours? Or can PD eventually read the existing comments on photos??  I find it impossible to use if all that data is not visible. It's also frustrating if someone find their way to the photo outside of PD then comments on it. No one can see it and they can also not see any of the comments that happen to be left in the PD comment table.  This is a huge drawback for me, making it unusable.

 Not, the PhotoDeluxe is not linked to the comments of the module Boonex Photos. 

PS: the comments to photos or albums made using the default module Boonex Photos are not spied by Boonex Spy, so can't be displayed on the wall (EvoWall or SpyWall), our system is SPY compatible and so you can see the notification on the wall, on the spy block and via email.

 About your PS... yes they are. How else would these notifications be shown in your EVO wall? I'm not sure about ALBUM comments, I don't allow that, but both photo comments and ratings show in the spy module for the default photo module. This is one of your features, grouping of similar events, comments being one of them.

There are too many ways for comments to get mixed up, missed, confused, PD won't ever be useable for me I guess.

There is a thing that must be explained.

The commends on the wall are for the post, the comments to a photo are for a content.

The content is a thing, the post is another.

I can comment a photo when I like it, but I can also comment your post saying "why you have shared this content?".

This comment is not referred to the photo but to the sharing action.


Anyway today we released an update (if you have installed the ver 6.9 you can only overwrite the files and empty the cache) that solves a bug when you cancel a photo upload.

 I'm not sure what your are trying to explain. I'm not concerned about the comments on the post when using EVO.

Why do you need to put comments on the photo into your own comment table and not the table for the boonex photos? It creates a huge disconnect from the photo depending on if a user commented it when they saw it using PD or if they saw it in the default module.

4 Jun 2013
4 Jun 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.