IBDW 1Col - Support forum

Write here for support request about the module IBDW 1COL

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
4 Jun 2012

ho acquistato il vostro mod Account Menu Ajax, ma non risulta sul mio account boonex, e non mi fa il download.
Allego ricevuta pagamento paypal, potreste darmi qualche spiegazione.

6 Jun 2012
Ciao, Ti abbiamo già scritto un messaggio in cui ti dicevamo che abbiamo dovuto abilitare il download manualmente perchè il sistema automatico di boonex fallisce quando PayPal applica l'IVA. Puoi quindi procedere con il download. Per qualsiasi problema facci sapere!
See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
6 Jun 2012

Grazie, gentilissimi!

6 Jun 2012

BUG: when a user has more that 99 friends the #'s don't fit in the dark box with the new EVO style... It looks like the box is fixed at 2 characters. Needs to accomodate at least 4 characters incase a user has over 999 friends.



22 Aug 2012

Time reload (in the settings), is it in miliseconds or in other format?

22 Sep 2012


Time reload (in the settings), is it in miliseconds or in other format?

 Yes, default value is 15000, these are 15000 milliseconds, so 15 seconds

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Sep 2012

Look at the attachment, number of friends if it's 100+ does not fit in the greyed box. Patch or can I adjust it somewhere in templates?

22. 9.png · 10.1K · 393 views
22 Sep 2012


Look at the attachment, number of friends if it's 100+ does not fit in the greyed box. Patch or can I adjust it somewhere in templates?

You can simply open the file css of the style 

about the line 422

you can see this class:


.centerspace {
    border-radius4px 4px 4px 4px;
    width: 14px;
Change the width value to meet your needs
for example 22px, or more
See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Sep 2012

Confirmed, it works. :) I'd find it myself if I wasn't too slow with Firebug. :) Maybe the above questions/answers would be suitable to include into install instructions too, by the way?

22. 9a.png · 11.8K · 366 views
22 Sep 2012

Didn't seem to work for me...

23 Sep 2012

nevermind, didn't clear my browser cache...

23 Sep 2012

Dear IBDW,

if i try to override styles with a new template-folder, nothing happens.
The module still seems to take all the css-Information from the base-directory.

In the case of the Megaprofile everything works fine if i, for example, write some different Information in the "UNI"-Template. But in the case of 1Col nothing happnens.

Do you have any advice?

best regards

5 Oct 2012


Dear IBDW,

if i try to override styles with a new template-folder, nothing happens.
The module still seems to take all the css-Information from the base-directory.

In the case of the Megaprofile everything works fine if i, for example, write some different Information in the "UNI"-Template. But in the case of 1Col nothing happnens.

Do you have any advice?

best regards

 Since I own the 3col and have installed the 1col for several people.

Notice towards the bottom of the instructions page..


CONFIGURATION*************Customization and configuration of the module:    * You can customize the style (fully css) and icons

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
5 Oct 2012

How can I cancel the "collapse" option and leave all items displayed?

Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it
20 Oct 2012

Very nice setup thanks for all your help getting this to work right in 7.1.

29 Nov 2012

It is so inconvenient to lose all of my custom links every time an upgrade comes along. Also having to place it back in all the places I had it not to mention doing all of my settings all over again.  So is it really needed to uninstall the module and reinstall every time? Is there no other way? Because in reality as people make wishlist suggestions and the dolphin platform evolves the updates will continue. This will be a never ending process. Its a great module but the upgrade is less than desired process. 



14 Jan 2013

Released the update for 1COL (ver 5.3) that solves the presence of a strange ">" when you use the uncompressed layout for the menu.

If you have already installed the version 5.2 you can only overwrite the file query_onecol.php

Then empty the cache.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
13 Feb 2013

I've installed Modzzz's (Advanced) Polls instead of Boonex Poll, now I changed the links in the admin section of 1col for Poll and Add Poll to point to the new module, however, 1col is not displaying this in My Activity area, no matter how much I clear cache, via admin or manually... Hmm?

24 Apr 2013


If you choose to display status (active/suspended etc.), you get 2 links: "Explanation" and "Suspend". The "Explanation" link always shows the explanation of the "active" state, even if your account is suspended, rejected  or unconfirmed.

It should change the explanation according to the account state.

7 May 2013



If you choose to display status (active/suspended etc.), you get 2 links: "Explanation" and "Suspend". The "Explanation" link always shows the explanation of the "active" state, even if your account is suspended, rejected  or unconfirmed.

It should change the explanation according to the account state.

Thank you, the fix has been released (IBDW 1COL 5.6)

If you have alredy installed the version 5.5 you can simply overwrite the file query_onecol.php

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 May 2013

The last version update reference is 5.6 here in the forum. The market page says 5.7. What does the latest update detail of 5.7? Thanks.

13 Jun 2013


The last version update reference is 5.6 here in the forum. The market page says 5.7. What does the latest update detail of 5.7? Thanks.

We have added the compatibility for D7.1.3


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
14 Jun 2013



This mod is compatible with new dolphin 7.14?



3 Aug 2013

How do I rename custom links to a user friendly name other than "Addition link 1"?

I would like to be able to put something like "Pages" instead of Additional link 1.

Thank you


27 Aug 2013


How do I rename custom links to a user friendly name other than "Addition link 1"?

I would like to be able to put something like "Pages" instead of Additional link 1.

Thank you



sorry, August was an half-vacation period and on saturday and sunday our office is closed. So I answer now.


To set the name for every link, as you can see on the instructions, you have to edit the language file en.php (folder ibdw/1col/install/langs)

On this file you can see these translation lines:


'_ibdw_1col_customlink1' => 'Additional link 1',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink2' => 'Additional link 2',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink3' => 'Additional link 3',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink4' => 'Additional link 4',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink5' => 'Additional link 5',
'_ibdw_1col_customsectname' => 'Custom section',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'Custom section link 1',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect2' => 'Custom section link 2',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect3' => 'Custom section link 3',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect4' => 'Custom section link 4',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect5' => 'Custom section link 5'


you can edit the right part as you want (for example:


'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'Custom section link 1',




'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'My personal link name',

) and then save this file.

Then upload the file and recompile the language for the module called 1Col (by Ilbellodelweb).

We hope this can help you.



See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Sep 2013

Released a minor update (IBDW 1COL 5.8)

This version has been updated just to support the new module PAGES by Zarcon.

To install this version you need to uninstall/install the module.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 Jan 2014

i just purchase amd the install went well except when you click on privacy setting it take you to a page not found..

8 Feb 2014


i just purchase amd the install went well except when you click on privacy setting it take you to a page not found..


have you enabled the default privacy groups ?

Anyway tomorrow I will check your site if you have not solved with this suggestion.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
8 Feb 2014



i just purchase amd the install went well except when you click on privacy setting it take you to a page not found..


have you enabled the default privacy groups ?

Anyway tomorrow I will check your site if you have not solved with this suggestion.

 I think i just found the problem

9 Feb 2014

Hi, I am trying to make my account page look like your account page but I am not having any luck. Why does your account page as shown on your site have a lot more options in it than my account page?

Under page builder in Dolphin I try to make mine look like yours but there are no options for adding a 'News Feed', Media, Account Edit, or most of the other options your example account page has. What am I doing wrong?


- Stephen

My account page builder.PNG · 509.5K · 311 views
My profile page.PNG · 656.1K · 349 views
Your profile page.PNG · 650.5K · 361 views
23 Feb 2014


Hi, I am trying to make my account page look like your account page but I am not having any luck. Why does your account page as shown on your site have a lot more options in it than my account page?

Under page builder in Dolphin I try to make mine look like yours but there are no options for adding a 'News Feed', Media, Account Edit, or most of the other options your example account page has. What am I doing wrong?


- Stephen



See my reply (PM)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
23 Feb 2014

Released a new version for 1COL compatible with D7.1.X

(in the zip it's also present the standard version compatible with D7.X.X)


About the new version:

1) it's Responsive!

2) it use the css icons (no images) for the support of the display retina


To install this version you must uninstall the previous, upload the files and install the module

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 May 2014


Where can i go to change the fonts in picture from gret to white and the header from grey to blue? Can someone help?

Screenshot_1.png · 12.6K · 288 views
Everyday is a new beginning.
16 Dec 2014

I figured it out, now i just need someone to guide me on how or where to go to change the colors of the fonts next to messages, sites etc.....

Everyday is a new beginning.
16 Dec 2014


I figured it out, now i just need someone to guide me on how or where to go to change the colors of the fonts next to messages, sites etc.....


the file you have to edit is: 1col\templates\base\css\style.css

Here you can find a class called: "titleitem"

you can set the color here for the links.

Anyway a very usefull tool is the plugin for firefox called Firebug. Thanks this tools you can see all the styles for every item you click with the right mouse button

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Dec 2014

Thanks i got that part, but you mentioned above that the name of custom links can be customized and you posted this up.

'_ibdw_1col_customlink1' => 'Additional link 1',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink2' => 'Additional link 2',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink3' => 'Additional link 3',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink4' => 'Additional link 4',
'_ibdw_1col_customlink5' => 'Additional link 5',
'_ibdw_1col_customsectname' => 'Custom section',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'Custom section link 1',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect2' => 'Custom section link 2',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect3' => 'Custom section link 3',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect4' => 'Custom section link 4',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect5' => 'Custom section link 5'


Let's say i wanted to change '_ibdw_1col_customlink1' => 'Additional link 1', so that on the site it displays Google.com like it does on your test site, do i need to change it to '_ibdw_1col_customlink1' => 'Google.com',

Everyday is a new beginning.
16 Dec 2014

Sorry but i don't get this part? Below is your reply i am just using that as reference, but i am stuck on the last instruction you supplied.

'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'My personal link name',

) and then save this file.

Then upload the file and recompile the language for the module called 1Col (by Ilbellodelweb).

We hope this can help you.

Everyday is a new beginning.
18 Dec 2014


Sorry but i don't get this part? Below is your reply i am just using that as reference, but i am stuck on the last instruction you supplied.

'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'My personal link name',

) and then save this file.

Then upload the file and recompile the language for the module called 1Col (by Ilbellodelweb).

We hope this can help you.

with this line:

 '_ibdw_1col_customlink1' => 'Additional link 1',

you can add a link on the menu

if you want to add a section and then some links into this section, you have to edit these lines:

'_ibdw_1col_customsectname' => 'Custom section',
'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'Custom section link 1',

the lines are included into the language file of 1Col, and this file must be uploaded and then the language of the module must be recompiled.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
19 Dec 2014


Quick question.

I've uploaded custom icons to the folder 1col/templates/base/images/icon/ (link1.png, link2.png ...) but the icons are not appearing. I see this instead [ attached image ].

I cleared the cache.

The correct icons do not seem to show.

Not sure what to do next.


1-col-icons.png · 17.9K · 319 views
23 Dec 2014

Hello, I am unable to change the Profile picture from 1Col, please see screenshot below:


Thanks in advance for your help. 

30 Dec 2014


Hello, I am unable to change the Profile picture from 1Col, please see screenshot below:


Thanks in advance for your help. 

If you have not fixed this issue, please contact us in private so to check your site

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
7 Jan 2015



Quick question.

I've uploaded custom icons to the folder 1col/templates/base/images/icon/ (link1.png, link2.png ...) but the icons are not appearing. I see this instead [ attached image ].

I cleared the cache.

The correct icons do not seem to show.

Not sure what to do next.




I have the same problem. 

Does anyone have a solution?


1 Feb 2015

Waiting for a solution to the icons problem (image attached).

Support may have missed seeing my question above.

1-col-icons.png · 17.9K · 304 views
2 Feb 2015


Waiting for a solution to the icons problem (image attached).

Support may have missed seeing my question above.


the last versions of 1Col support by default only css icons...as Dolphin too.

So, if you want add a custom css icon on the first links (Forum, News & Headlines, ecc...) you can customize this code part (from the line 176):

if($cs1 != '0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$cs1.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customlink1').'</a></div></div>';
 if($cs2 != '0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$cs2.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customlink2').'</a></div></div>';
 if($cs3 != '0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$cs3.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customlink3').'</a></div></div>';
 if($cs4 != '0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$cs4.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customlink4').'</a></div></div>';
 if($cs5 != '0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$cs5.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customlink5').'</a></div></div>';


here you can change the text <i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"> and choose the css icon you want for these links


If you want to customize the icons for the custom section (Aviation web site, ecc...) you must search this code part (from the line 211):

if($customnamesect1!='0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$customnamesect1.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customsect1').'</a></div></div>';
  if($customnamesect2!='0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$customnamesect2.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customsect2').'</a></div></div>';
  if($customnamesect3!='0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$customnamesect3.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customsect3').'</a></div></div>';
  if($customnamesect4!='0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$customnamesect4.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customsect4').'</a></div></div>';
  if($customnamesect5!='0') echo '<div id="rigamenu1"><div class="leftspace"><i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i><a href="'.$customnamesect5.'" class="titleitem">'._t('_ibdw_1col_customsect5').'</a></div></div>';


and change the css icon on the text <i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"> choosing the css icon you want.


Also, if you want to use a standard image 16x16px (jpg, gif, ecc...) you can remove the text:

<i alt="" class="sys-icon chevron-right"></i>

and add the class "titlelink1", "titlelink2", "titlelink3", "titlelink4", "titlelink5" for the first links

and "titlesect1", "titlesect2", "titlesect3", "titlesect4", "titlesect5"for the links in the custom section


Then replace the icons you see into the folder ibdw/1col/templates/base/images/icons/

link1.png, link2.png, ecc.... and sect1.png, sect2.png, ecc...with your icons

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Feb 2015



'_ibdw_1col_customsect1' => 'My personal link name',

) and then save this file.

Then upload the file and recompile the language for the module called 1Col (by Ilbellodelweb).

We hope this can help you.



 How exactly do you recompile the Language file for module 1Col on V 7.1.5 ????

   I tried it  a few ways and it didn't clear it....

4 Feb 2015

Just bought, but cannot install correctly, much less register it!


Warning: file_get_contents(/home/**private**/public_html/**private**/modules/ibdw/1col/activation.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 275


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php:275) in /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/admin_design.inc.php on line 48

11 Apr 2015


Just bought, but cannot install correctly, much less register it!


Warning: file_get_contents(/home/**private**/public_html/**private**/modules/ibdw/1col/activation.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 275


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php:275) in /home/**private**/public_html/**private**/inc/admin_design.inc.php on line 48


make sure to:

1) use the right account via FTP (you need to have the root privileges)

2) make sure to upload all files.

We hope this can help, otherwise contact us in PM.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Apr 2015

Thank you. was a corrupted upload. reuploaded it and it went right in. now just awaiting activation code. thank you!

11 Apr 2015


Thank you. was a corrupted upload. reuploaded it and it went right in. now just awaiting activation code. thank you!


The code has been sent. Check your email.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Apr 2015
18 Oct 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.