I Give Up - mySQL query error


I've taken a break from trying to get this thing to work.  I give.

I really like Dolphin's look and feel from the demos and this forum, but if it can't be installed in a reasonable time, well, life's too short as it is.

The symptoms are: The install runs to completion.  When I navigate to the site from ANY browser, I get a mySQL query error.  I've reinstalled three times, dropping the DB each time and I've decided that if it's this difficult to install, it's going to be problematic to support.

FWIW, I was trying to get it up and running on a VPS hosted by VPSlink.  It's a "Link 3" running one of their out of the box LAMP stacks based on Fedora Core 9.  I'd had some issues in getting the mySQL database itself behaving, but I'm pretty sure that I'm past the newbie/cockpit errors and that I'm configuring it correctly.  One theory that I'd come up with based on some other discussion boards was that there was a mismatch between the default character set for mySQL (Latin1) and what Dolphin is looking for (utf8?).  Changing the default didn't work, but it was a beautiful theory.

I then scrubbed the install, and just for giggles installed Drupal just to see if I was capable of installing ANYTHING.  That went pretty quick though it's really not what I want.

I guess there's an ecosystem of specialized hosting folks out there for a reason but if the requirements are that specialized, why don't the folks at Boonex publish the specialized requirements?  There's nothing in the published list that's not on my stack, and the install directions certainly don't have a bunch of if/then/else sort of options.  The mySQL setup is almost as minimal as you can get.

So, if anybody out there want's to help out, please reply to this post.  I've gotten some good answers to previous issues, but this has just gotten to be a bit too little return for too much effort.



Quote · 5 Apr 2009

Just out of curiosity, what was the specific MySQL error, and what does your server's error log say?  Boonex does have a list  of technical requirements but I wouldn't call them specialized.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Apr 2009

I think that's part of the frustration; there's nothing other than a red bordered statement that says "Error" at the top of the screen, and "mySQL query error" on the next line.  This reminds me of the dawn of computing when "Syntax Error" was the best that some compilers could do to tell you something was wrong.

I looked for the mySQL errorfile but I may not have turned logging on when I kicked off mySQL (I would have thought that would be a default, but I can't find a .err file anywhere on my system.).  In retrospect I guess I should have turned error logging on my mySQL, and made sure I could find the file.

Quote · 7 Apr 2009

Hard to say without more specific error info.  Are you sure the database user you used in your setup has all the proper permissions on the DB?



Make sure your database user has ALL permissions on your Dolphin database.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 7 Apr 2009

Well, I'd done what I thought was "due diligence" by going into a shell session as the user, opening the database, and dumping the tables.   That's the weird thing to me, after setup there were boatloads of tables that I know I didn't put there.   Now I just went into the DB as 'user' (SSH session through PuTTY as 'user') and tried to dump the tables but it showed as an empty set so on the third try something must have behaved differently than in the first two.  In the first two installs there were tables as below, but I still got the error when trying to use an external browser:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_dolphin              |
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147 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Quote · 8 Apr 2009

One more thing; I was able to get into the admin panel.  Don't know what that's about but clearly it's separated from the activities that occur when a user hits the index file at the root of the system.

Quote · 8 Apr 2009

One more thing; I was able to get into the admin panel.  Don't know what that's about but clearly it's separated from the activities that occur when a user hits the index file at the root of the system.

Let me rephrase my last question a bit:


Does the user for the database you specified when installing Dolphin, have ALL database privileges?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 8 Apr 2009

To get some more meaningfull errors, you must temporary enable debug logging (and make sure to set it back later as its a security risc)


You will find more info on how to do this in the following link.



It saved me when i had the same error on my site Smile

Quote · 8 Apr 2009

It sure sounds to me like the database user doesn't have all the needed permissions.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 8 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.