How to remove the google plus icon from share? +

How to remove the google plus icon from share? + 

Quote · 21 Feb 2020

Hello mrtn!


You need to execute the following query in your Dolphin database:


DELETE FROM `sys_objects_social_sharing` WHERE `object`='googleplus' LIMTI 1;


and then clear all caches via admin panel->tools->Cache area.

Quote · 21 Feb 2020



I suppose you made a typo: LIMTI 1;   change to LIMIT 1;

BUT that did not work either. It showed that 0 datasets were found.

" 0 Datensätze betroffen. (Die Abfrage dauerte 0.0005 Sekunden.)"

Quote · 19 Mar 2020

Me too.


1. Open this file and find : /Dolphin/templates/tmpl_evo/share_popup.html

  <li class="rrssb-twitter">
    <!-- Replace href with your Meta and URL information  -->
    <a target="blank" href="" class="sys-share-popup-link sys-spl-twitter sys-spl-need-url popup">
      <span class="rrssb-icon">
        <svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28">
          <path d="M24.253 8.756C24.69 17.08 18.297 24.182 9.97 24.62c-3.122.162-6.22-.646-8.86-2.32 2.702.18 5.375-.648 7.507-2.32-2.072-.248-3.818-1.662-4.49-3.64.802.13 1.62.077 2.4-.154-2.482-.466-4.312-2.586-4.412-5.11.688.276 1.426.408 2.168.387-2.135-1.65-2.73-4.62-1.394-6.965C5.574 7.816 9.54 9.84 13.802 10.07c-.842-2.738.694-5.64 3.434-6.48 2.018-.624 4.212.043 5.546 1.682 1.186-.213 2.318-.662 3.33-1.317-.386 1.256-1.248 2.312-2.4 2.942 1.048-.106 2.07-.394 3.02-.85-.458 1.182-1.343 2.15-2.48 2.71z"
      <span class="rrssb-text">twitter</span>
  <li class="rrssb-googleplus">
    <!-- Replace href with your meta and URL information.  -->
    <a target="blank" href="" class="sys-share-popup-link sys-spl-googleplus sys-spl-need-url popup">
      <span class="rrssb-icon">
        <svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28">
          <path d="M14.703 15.854l-1.22-.948c-.37-.308-.88-.715-.88-1.46 0-.747.51-1.222.95-1.662 1.42-1.12 2.84-2.31 2.84-4.817 0-2.58-1.62-3.937-2.4-4.58h2.098l2.203-1.384h-6.67c-1.83 0-4.467.433-6.398 2.027C3.768 4.287 3.06 6.018 3.06 7.576c0 2.634 2.02 5.328 5.603 5.328.34 0 .71-.033 1.083-.068-.167.408-.336.748-.336 1.324 0 1.04.55 1.685 1.01 2.297-1.523.104-4.37.273-6.466 1.562-1.998 1.187-2.605 2.915-2.605 4.136 0 2.512 2.357 4.84 7.288 4.84 5.822 0 8.904-3.223 8.904-6.41.008-2.327-1.36-3.49-2.83-4.73h-.01zM10.27 11.95c-2.913 0-4.232-3.764-4.232-6.036 0-.884.168-1.797.744-2.51.543-.68 1.49-1.12 2.372-1.12 2.807 0 4.256 3.797 4.256 6.24 0 .613-.067 1.695-.845 2.48-.537.55-1.438.947-2.295.95v-.003zm.032 13.66c-3.62 0-5.957-1.733-5.957-4.143 0-2.408 2.165-3.223 2.91-3.492 1.422-.48 3.25-.545 3.556-.545.34 0 .52 0 .767.034 2.574 1.838 3.706 2.757 3.706 4.48-.002 2.072-1.736 3.664-4.982 3.648l.002.017zM23.254 11.89V8.52H21.57v3.37H18.2v1.714h3.367v3.4h1.684v-3.4h3.4V11.89"
      <span class="rrssb-text">google+</span>

2. Remove all <li class = "rrssb-googleplus">

  <li class="rrssb-googleplus">
    <!-- Replace href with your meta and URL information.  -->
    <a target="blank" href="" class="sys-share-popup-link sys-spl-googleplus sys-spl-need-url popup">
      <span class="rrssb-icon">
        <svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28">
          <path d="M14.703 15.854l-1.22-.948c-.37-.308-.88-.715-.88-1.46 0-.747.51-1.222.95-1.662 1.42-1.12 2.84-2.31 2.84-4.817 0-2.58-1.62-3.937-2.4-4.58h2.098l2.203-1.384h-6.67c-1.83 0-4.467.433-6.398 2.027C3.768 4.287 3.06 6.018 3.06 7.576c0 2.634 2.02 5.328 5.603 5.328.34 0 .71-.033 1.083-.068-.167.408-.336.748-.336 1.324 0 1.04.55 1.685 1.01 2.297-1.523.104-4.37.273-6.466 1.562-1.998 1.187-2.605 2.915-2.605 4.136 0 2.512 2.357 4.84 7.288 4.84 5.822 0 8.904-3.223 8.904-6.41.008-2.327-1.36-3.49-2.83-4.73h-.01zM10.27 11.95c-2.913 0-4.232-3.764-4.232-6.036 0-.884.168-1.797.744-2.51.543-.68 1.49-1.12 2.372-1.12 2.807 0 4.256 3.797 4.256 6.24 0 .613-.067 1.695-.845 2.48-.537.55-1.438.947-2.295.95v-.003zm.032 13.66c-3.62 0-5.957-1.733-5.957-4.143 0-2.408 2.165-3.223 2.91-3.492 1.422-.48 3.25-.545 3.556-.545.34 0 .52 0 .767.034 2.574 1.838 3.706 2.757 3.706 4.48-.002 2.072-1.736 3.664-4.982 3.648l.002.017zM23.254 11.89V8.52H21.57v3.37H18.2v1.714h3.367v3.4h1.684v-3.4h3.4V11.89"
      <span class="rrssb-text">google+</span>

3. Clear all caches, including Administration -> Tools -> Cache -> All, Zend OPcache, Apache cache, Browser.


Then you can get this result: 

googleplus01.jpg · 182.2K · 414 views
googleplus02.jpg · 135.4K · 279 views
googleplus03.jpg · 137K · 285 views The first community site supports RAW photo formats !
Quote · 20 Mar 2020


Yes, Evo template has its own "share" popup. Thnx for adding.

Quote · 20 Mar 2020
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.