Hello again.
There any way to put a date for blog?
Hello again. There any way to put a date for blog? |
bisa anda deskripsikan melalui gambar izam? . . . . . regards smansakra.net.tc |
I have another issue in the topic. When I click on the blog, I saw the date all are the same. but when I click on the topic, the date change. Especially the year, show me year 1969. I've check on the PHPMYADMIN, and change the date to the current date, but in the blog still remain old date. It cause me 3 different date. p/s- saya akan letak kemudian yaaaa... Translation: I'll put the screen shot later. |
Do a forum search for 1969. That will help you. (and others) |
Do a forum search?... How was it? |
Look at top-left of this page - here always 'Search' block :) |
hihihi... my mistake. ok. Thank you. |
Ok. I have fix the 1969, but now, I'm facing with new problem. The date in the blogs shows 10 July 2008. I've change it in phpmyadmin to other date, but the date won't fix. Any clue? |
If you want to change 10 July 2008 to: DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Yes, last tip just change format of dates, but seems you have known-issue, I fixed it and I recommend you just to update BxDolBlogs.php |
Hi all, I have change the string like the one GameUtopia shown here. But it just change the position of the month. the date still show 10 July, not the real date like in phpmyadmin. any idea? |
That was just an example. I probably shouldn't have used January as an example. I should have used July. You will need to change all months january thru december.
For July you would change the language key: From: _day_of_7 {0} July, {1} To: _day_of_7 July {0}, {1}
You will have to use the same format to make the changes to all months. Otherwise only January or only July will apply.
So you are changing the string part {0} July, {1} to July {0}, {1}
Andrey mentions you have a known-issue. I am not sure what he is referring to about this part. Maybe he was fixing something for you or other. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
That was what AndreyP was referring to izam. |
Hi AndreyP, would you be able to give me your BxDolBlogs.php, so that I can compare the previous file with yours. |
Download latest and BxDolBlogs.php is in the /inc directory ..... |
I've done that, but nothing happen. |
Now my site is getting worse. Not only the blog, the article date also didn't change. |
Now everything is fine. But when I click on Blogs > Top Posts. The date still in year 1969. How could that happen? |