How to modify email sent to site admin

I have looked everywhere I can think of to find the new member notify email sent to the site admin without success. Looked for the string in the language area - no luck! Did a look through the inc. php files - no luck and the root directory php files - no luck.

Does anyone know where this little bit of script is located? I would be most grateful as I have spent 2 hours looking for it.

[New user MineYoursOurs with email xxxxxxxxxx has been confirmed, his/her ID is 3599.]

Best wishes

tassieswingers xx

I have posted this in the general Dolphin forum as well but have not had any success so far.
Quote · 22 May 2009

do you mean the email template, if that is what you are asking, you go to the admin page --> advance setting-->email templates, all the templates are there you have to browse for the one you need and you can make changes and save it

Quote · 22 May 2009

Hi Oceesay,

No - I thought that is where it would have been but the email that notifies the site admin of new members is not there. It must be located in one of the phhp files somewhere as a permanent script. I just can't find which php file it is in.

Any other takers for finding this ?

Tassieswingers xx
Quote · 23 May 2009

Tassie, I haven't tried this but it may be what you need?  In join.php there's a reference to sendNewUserNotify and that function is in inc/classes/BxDolProfilesController.php (see below).  I think you could change it there?  Good luck!

	// sent to admin
function sendNewUserNotify( $iMemID ) {
global $site;

$iMemID = (int)$iMemID;
$aMember = $this -> getProfileInfo( $iMemID );
if( !$aMember )
return false;

$sSubject = "New user confirmed";
$sMessage =
"New user {$aMember['NickName']} with email {$aMember['Email']} has been confirmed,
his/her ID is {$iMemID}.
{$site['title']} mail delivery system
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply
return sendMail( $site['email_notify'], $sSubject, $sMessage );
Quote · 24 May 2009

Thanks so much for that info Amakhehla. Although I haven't tried a mod to the script yet, it looks almost certain to be the right one.

My intention is to add the IP to the notifcation message so that I have an easily accessible permanent record of the IP of each new member in my email stored folders which is very easily searched in Outlook. I might also add other info to the notify email such as whether the profile is a single M/F or couple. All useful info to me in how we do things.

Thanks again for finding the script.

Best wishes

Quote · 25 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.