How to edit the copyright icon at the bottom page

Dear Sirs,


I've finally set-up my trident based website, and I'm really having difficulty of looking for the module to edit the (c) icon at the bottom right of my page.


Here's the line:

<div id="bx-footer-copyright"><i title="&copy; 2016 Company" class="sys-icon copyright"></i></div>


Do I have to manually open the php file to edit that icon sirs? Please help. Thank you.

copyright.jpg · 135.4K · 363 views
Quote · 21 Mar 2016

the copyright is a language key. So go to your site admin section - settings - languages. In the searrch box, type copyright. This will list the language keys with copyright in it (i think there are three results). Check them al and you will find the one that is for the footer.
Quote · 21 Mar 2016


the copyright is a language key. So go to your site admin section - settings - languages. In the searrch box, type copyright. This will list the language keys with copyright in it (i think there are three results). Check them al and you will find the one that is for the footer.

 Hello Sir Prof. I dont see "Language" under "Settings" on Trident. There is in Dolphin. 

Quote · 21 Mar 2016



You go Administration -> Settings -> Language Settings

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 21 Mar 2016




You go Administration -> Settings -> Language Settings

 Thank you sir. But my website is not Dolphin. It's Trident. There's no such file here.

Quote · 21 Mar 2016

The text is under Studio => Polyglot => Keys. Then under Keys, search for "_copyright". This is the key for the copyright text. But here's the issue: for some reason, Trident uses this as a title for the text, and not the text itself. You'll need to edit /template/_sub_footer.html and look for:


<div id="bx-footer-copyright"><i title="__copyright_attr__" class="sys-icon copyright"></i></div>


And replace it with:


<div id="bx-footer-copyright">__copyright_attr__</div>


Then save. From the Studio => Dashboard, look for the Cache block. Click the arrow in the top-right, and click the "Clear all caches" link. That should do it.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 21 Mar 2016


The text is under Studio => Polyglot => Keys. Then under Keys, search for "_copyright". This is the key for the copyright text. But here's the issue: for some reason, Trident uses this as a title for the text, and not the text itself. You'll need to edit /template/_sub_footer.html and look for:


<div id="bx-footer-copyright"><i title="__copyright_attr__" class="sys-icon copyright"></i></div>


And replace it with:


<div id="bx-footer-copyright">__copyright_attr__</div>


Then save. From the Studio => Dashboard, look for the Cache block. Click the arrow in the top-right, and click the "Clear all caches" link. That should do it.

 Thank you very much Sir Nathan. It did well. God bless and more power.

Quote · 24 Mar 2016
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