'created' field is in unix timestamp format. You can convert from regular date format using the following code:
UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2017-11-13 10:20:19')
Hi AlexT,
Sorry to awake this post, but I'm having trouble to understand this properly.
Basically I have thousand of entries which I need to insert via mysql, but I want those new entries to be the latest ones.
This is my sample: (bx_artists_main is a copy of the groups)
INSERT IGNORE INTO `bx_artists_main` (`title`, `uri`, `desc`, `country`, `city`, `zip`, `status`, `thumb`, `created`, `author_id`, `tags`, `categories`, `views`, `rate`, `rate_count`, `comments_count`, `fans_count`, `featured`, `allow_view_artist_to`, `allow_view_fans_to`, `allow_comment_to`, `allow_rate_to`, `allow_post_in_forum_to`, `allow_join_to`, `join_confirmation`, `allow_upload_photos_to`, `allow_upload_videos_to`, `allow_upload_sounds_to`, `allow_upload_files_to`, `soundcloud_id`)
VALUES ('Aaiste', 'aaiste', "Lithuanian DJ, ...", '', 'Australia', '', 'approved', 0, '', 2, '', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, '4', 'f', 'f', 'f', 4, 0, 'a', 'a', '', '', '');
How can I push them to always be the latest?
Many thanks