I've changed the URL of my site what file or BD do I need to change?
I've changed the URL of my site what file or BD do I need to change? |
Have you changed it in your hosting records? That depends on the host and the panel you're using. In Dolphin it's a little easier: inc/header.inc.php - make sure you set the permissions to allow you to change the file.
$site['url'] = "http://mysite.com/";
The following may be changed if you've also moved servers.
$dir['root'] = "path to/index file/"; - Often "path to/public_html/"; (Only if you've changed something)
$db['host'] = 'localhost'; - Usually localhost $db['sock'] = ''; $db['port'] = ''; $db['user'] = 'user name'; if you've changed it. $db['passwd'] = 'xxxxxx'; if you've changed it. $db['db'] = 'xxxxxx'; if you've changed it.
Reset your permissions and try.