I wonder. For 7.0.x, the members block on the homepage - how to edit the query that it does not get and sort all the members fitting the condition (ie., online, last logged in, last registered and so on), but only last 100, for example? I mean, I want to sort members but I want to stop query after finding first n members and still have a chance for some pagination on the block. So it shows, again for example, 10 such members per page but the overall result would be limited to 100 (and the title for block could be 100 recent members or something similar)?
This would:
1. make the page load more quickly
2. force members to use search or other means to browse through the members (there is really not much need to have all members ready and sorted on the homepage, especially if it goes into tens of thousands)
I have managed to limit the query but I did it obviously not in the right place, because in my instance it loads into the block the given limit, while I want the result to be the above mentioned 100 but shown only first 10 with the pagination enambling the member to browse a bit in the query results... I could possibly hit the right spot by trial and error but have too many other things to attend to that I feel ok with wasting time like this. :)
Thanks in advance. :)
P.S.: The same could be applied to all those public blocks, for photos, videos and so on, since the cache setting from the admin does not work, after one click on pagination the whole block freezes and does not brose forward or backward, so the caching for blocks is useless for the blocks with more than one page or sorting options on the top of the block...
P.S.2: I was editing $sqlLimit in bxbaseindexpageview but looking at it now, maybe I should have edited $sqlCondition in individual cases? But how? Or perhaps no? Maybe instead of SELECT COUNT something like SELECT TOP N? :)