I need a URL link to have a certain size window pop up. I have a "pop-up" javascript code but requires to put half the code inside <head> </head>. Don't know where to do that. Does anyone else have pop-up code that works for Dolphin pages?
I need a URL link to have a certain size window pop up. I have a "pop-up" javascript code but requires to put half the code inside <head> </head>. Don't know where to do that. Does anyone else have pop-up code that works for Dolphin pages? |
Well you can insert code that would be put in between the head tags of all dolphin pages by inserting it in templates\base\_header.html https://www.deanbassett.com |
You can do some cool things with Lytebox/Lyteframe. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thank You DEANO92964. That header information worked. Here's pop-up code for Dolphin users. IN YOUR "templates\base\_header.html" paste this just BEFORE </head>: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> THEN IN THE BODY, PASTE THIS WHERE YOU WANT IT (using HTML BLOCK in Admin Page Builder): <a href="javascript:;" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('http://www.your link.com','anynamehere','width=625,height=450')"><img src="http://yourimagelink.com/images/image.jpg" width="402" height="263" border="0" /></a> |