dolphin does not have a good customization for menu bar, this may help you.
If you want to remove all the "submenu" items from top menu, but that they still show in the submenu pages, edit BxBaseMenu.php around line 327, and comment it.
$sSubMenu = $this->getAllSubMenus($iItemID);
that will show only navigation top menu.
Also, if you want to remove certain Item from the top menu, but still show in the "quick links" and other pages.
edit BxBaseMenu.php around line 158 and look for:
foreach( $this->aTopMenu as $iItemID => $aItem ) {
if( $aItem['Type'] != 'top' )
if you want to remove the polls item from menu, you should post after it:
if( $aItem['Caption'] == '_bx_polls' )
if you want to remove other item, just look for the name of the item and replace, you can post the code for each items you need to remove.
hope it helps you.