Hi Everyone - I haven't been here in years - maybe three or four years? - I have lost track. What is amazing is this site never changes. Not to be negative, but it is a slow, downhill decline that never ends - always with some complicated technical solution that will save everything but never does. This site should have been fully open sourced years ago - it really was great stuff at one point, and the original business model - a flat $100 per licence was perfect.
I came back because an old Dolphin 7 site I keep around - mostly for nostalgic reasons - apparently has been hacked and is now sending out Russian spam. It was a good site - but now I will have to shut it down - they never provide an upgrade path - just endless promises of 'the next big thing". I left when Dolphin Pro was just getting going - but it was obvious the development time would take so long that it would be a waste of life to hang around. I briefly thought it might be interesting to take a look and maybe use it for some possible projects, but a quick look at the forum tells me that would be a lost cause.
So what is going on with you guys? Are you keeping your sites running using Dolphin or are you headed to greener pastures? Looks like this has been a rough slog - I do hope everyone is doing well.