I posted a message in this tread as I was looking at dolphin as an alternative to my current cms. I was privately replied to and am in discussion with a developer. However I do not want to bother him until we begin developments and I get some of the configuration done first so we can see what customizations are required as I may need to have another piece of software integrated to gain what I require.
How can I gain support from people who are currently working on boonex software and can assist with small problems I may find along the way. eg. the language file in the subscription area is some sort of problem as there is an underscore before some of the features of certain level memberships eg
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These links have the underscore before them and on my site it is the language file that causes this.
Can someone please direct me as to the best way to get top level support. eg. buy software which level??? or buy support?
How stable is dolphin as I have an established website that must be up 100% of the time with no glitche
Any advice would be appreciated