1. open a web browser
2. type in the address of your website with /admin added on the address
3. hit the enter key on your keyboard (after the address to the website has been typed in the address bar of the browser)
4. login to your admin panel of the dolphin site
5. look on the left of the admin panel, there you will see a menu look for plugins
6. click on the button that says plugins
7. look for the link that says Ray Suite
8. click on the link that says Ray Suite
9. now you are in the ray suite, and you need to choose which one you are going to edit first. for kicks lets choose the first one we see, which will be music player.
10. click on the plus to open the settings area of the music player *NOTE Pmusic Player Similar Steps
11. you will see there are five (5) folders listed on there: Settings | Templates | Langauges | Updates | Admin
12. you will want to select the folder icon "Settings"
13. you are now in the settings for the music player which is this path /yoursite.com/admin/plugins/raysuite/musicplayer/settings.
14. now you read the window, and there are Two (2) Text Boxes, Five (5) Check Boxes and One (1) Dropdown.
15. if you put a tick in the check box "files auto approving", and click the save button on the bottom of that window you will have accomplished the mission of alleviating yourself from having to auto approve the files that are uploaded to the music player.
Now, the video player and video recorder have similar steps as laid out above. i sure hope this has helped you. but if you needed this much detail, maybe you shouldnt be running a dolphin site, and check into geocities, or angelfire.
the first part of operating a site, is knowing what you are operating. with a few mouse clicks here and there, you could have easily determined that this was how to allow auto-approve for these media files.
Good Luck, Good Hunting,
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