How do I add Please Select.. To Add Photos form?

The first field of every dropdown form should be Please Select . . 
This indicates to even the most naive person that there are choices to select from.
In the case of the Add Photos Form, members are currently encouraged to create a new album, where in fact this is possibly the last thing we want them to do.
If the form displayed Please Select . .  instead of Create New Album . .  in the first field, everybody would be forced to view ALL the options.
Can some kind person tell me how to add Please Select . .  to the Add Photos form? See samples.
I'm useless at modern PHP and forms so a code example would really help.
please Select 1.jpg · 26K · 222 views
Please Select 2.jpg · 25.3K · 224 views
Quote · 13 Feb 2019

Hello johnk42!


You may try to apply the next solution. Find in the file inc/classes/BxDolFilesModule.php the following line:


$aAlbums[0] = $sCreateNewAlbumCaption ? $sCreateNewAlbumCaption : _t('_sys_album_create_new');

and add before it this one:

$aAlbums[-1] = _t('_Please_Select_');

then find one more line in the same file like:

if ($iAlbumId == 0) {


and change it to this one:

if ($iAlbumId <= 0) {

Quote · 16 Feb 2019

Hi Leonid,

That worked fine and thanks again for your ongoing support. I'm still having problems sorting the Album list, but that being dealt with in another thread.



Quote · 18 Feb 2019
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