How close to top are you on google, yahoo, bing, and yandex?

As we always talk about here; make sure you have a niche, specialize in what you it well..

My Florida Webcams are there, remains on top ten page for google

My gay themed site for men only that has been online about two months; now dominates google, yahoo, bing and listings period.

Not a single SEO step taken..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 Sep 2012


With no seo there must be a logical reason such as a link between the search term "gay men online" and the title of your site?


Can you enlighten us please newton?

12 Sep 2012

I use a tool that analyzes the site for words and content, then I tailor meta tags and title to match 100%.

The adult market is not easy to get on top of. (no pun intended)

Offers have come in now for the site because of the high ranks.

I've offered SEO tips in the past here. I guess no one listens.

The name may have some to do with it, but has nothing to do with "florida web cams" yet I'm about three or four on any given day on google.

Off to bed, it's 5am

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 Sep 2012

Sllep tight lol..... I'm listening......

12 Sep 2012

I'm far from the top unfortunately, except for one keyword I'm #1, but not really a word most people would think to search aside from... wondering if such a site exists :)

I think it's difficult to get good SEO when to get access, you need to login, otherwise visitors only get to my splash page... Some aspects of profiles can be viewed but you need to know the user's nickname. They've been indexed when I search using site: but not really getting found in search results...


I'm listening too newton ;)

12 Sep 2012


  • Short amount of direct keywords - Length: 38 characters
  • Make your meta description as explicit as possible, make sure it contains your most important keywords
  • Don't use LONG TAIL keywords
  • Hope for Back-links - Currently I have 1,153 for this site
  • Load time 1.3379 second(s) - fast servers
  • and it's mostly true, the name is very important
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
13 Sep 2012

Newton, you mind sharing what tool you use to get info for your SEO.

19 Oct 2012

Simple site title

  • Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's

Meta description on site homepage

  • Chat With Gay Men Near You.  100% Free. Join Now! Gay Men Online, Chat, Video Chat, Pictures, Singles, Hook-Up's

Meta keywords on site homepage (comma-separated list)

  • Chat,Gay,Men,Profiles,Free,videos,porn

Nothing more than that and using 

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
19 Oct 2012

Still holding my position well..

search-results3.png · 226K · 1631 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

 Yep, he is right. Showed up on page 1 in Google search Canada in 10th position. Congrats.

You can even try here to submit your site;



Still holding my position well..


31 Jan 2013

Can you change the site title in admin? Or do you have to do it in the index.php file directly? I just cant recall.

31 Jan 2013


Can you change the site title in admin? Or do you have to do it in the index.php file directly? I just cant recall.

 Yes you change the site title in admin basic settings, but, I noticed in Dolphin there is not a single <h1>Header Text</h1> which all website analyzers suggested adding one, so I have..

Huge difference.

H1 is the Most Important Phrase or Sentence on Your Page

If you think of a Web page as an outline, the H1, H2, etc. heading tags serve to divide the page into sections. Your most important headline is your H1 headline. This generally indicates the topic for the entire Web page and is where most people look first when they're trying to figure out what the page is about. Since search engines first priority is to provide search results that people want, they try to use the same techniques to determine what a page is about. So content in the H1 tag will be considered most important and given a slightly higher rank than other content on the page.

If you're trying to optimize a Web page for a specific keyword phrase, this is where that phrase should appear, preferably the first two words or so. This tells the search engine that these words are important - that this is what this page is about.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

The best example I can provide without offending anyone is

The first line is my <h1> tag..

New Beetle Forums DIY Tips VW Events Click here for Forums

So when the search term "new beetle forums" is used google sees that first.

using that term, I'm 10th on google, and as my content grows I expect to climb a bit higher..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

well I'm doing OK actually .... After blowing my own trumpet before about my network, I am happy to say I am doing even better now and have far more top listings than ever for different niches and topics ...

I have seen some of your listings and stats myself Newton27 as you know and can see you are doing very well also!

Congrats man :) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013


Congrats man :)

 Thanks Josh.

Not trying to gloat (most will see it that way), just want to share some knowledge of what I think are important tips to help understand SEO.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

hey man when you have real results like you have shown us then you can gloat ...  WHY THE HELL NOT?!

We all know you also help others if your able and your not put out by others who also do well SO I don't see it as gloating in a bad sense but rather educational and informative! It's good to know what is working for you!



Congrats man :)

 Thanks Josh.

Not trying to gloat (most will see it that way), just want to share some knowledge of what I think are important tips to help understand SEO. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013

Thank you Newton for sharing your insights and success!

You are a top contributor on Boonex and wishing you best of luck!

7.1 My favorite number
31 Jan 2013

anyone that really understands the internet, SEO and what it takes to keep a site/network going will know how difficult it is to see any kind of real results and the competition out their is HUGE no matter the niche ... There are companies out there with the finances to take all attention (traffic for particular niche) OR even make their competition disappear totally !

1) Getting any natural top listings = Amazing

2) Maintaining top natural listings = Truly incredible !

For webmasters like ourselves that work asses off to make our sites what they are and don't have ££££££'s to throw away >> I think we are doing pretty good :) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013


dolphin hosting - 4th on page (was first for the longest time)

dolphin vps hosting - 2nd

dolphin dedicated hosting - 2nd



dolphin hosting - 7th

dolphin vps hosting - 1st 

dolphin dedicated hosting - 1st



dolphin hosting - 1st

dolphin vps hosting - 1st

dolphin dedicated hosting - 5th



dolphin hosting - 8th

dolphin vps hosting - 2nd

dolphin dedicated hosting - 2nd

I've spent zero dollars on Ads and no time on seo at all for these ranks.  I am not sure if i am just using the right keywords or search terms ... - Skype: Dolphin Techs
31 Jan 2013



dolphin hosting - 4th on page (was first for the longest time)

dolphin vps hosting - 2nd

dolphin dedicated hosting - 2nd



dolphin hosting - 7th

dolphin vps hosting - 1st 

dolphin dedicated hosting - 1st



dolphin hosting - 1st

dolphin vps hosting - 1st

dolphin dedicated hosting - 5th



dolphin hosting - 8th

dolphin vps hosting - 2nd

dolphin dedicated hosting - 2nd

I've spent zero dollars on Ads and no time on seo at all for these ranks.  I am not sure if i am just using the right keywords or search terms ...  

 Yes, I've looked at your stats, very nice!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

My last example of all of what was talked about above..

  • find a niche
  • make the site simple
  • get the right domain name if you can
  • don't give up

I specialize in doing home security installs, camera system as well; so I created such a simple site about the very, very basics of how a webcam works and watching your home from work.

This site is where I refer my customers to see an example just using a home computer. Dolphin is great for such a site, no members needed. Just four simple articles.

The camera image on the site is my driveway, so where ever I am I can see what is going on..


search-keywords1.png · 829K · 1559 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2013

here are just a few I can think of at top of head and have time to research .... I have thousands more I could talk about all with page 1 and 2 natural google listings ... some pages are even listed for same keywords multi times in top listings. This little example just shows how I have managed to gain TOP rankings across numerous niches / topics / etc and most times better than the professionals/sites actually in those niches.



free unlimited chat -3rd
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unlimited video chat 5th
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clean cam chat - 6th
teen video chat websites -8th
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online video room - 9th
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facebook status smileys codes 1st
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top featured coupons - 8th 9th and 16th positions in world
random world news - 3rd and 4th positions in world

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gigapros hosting -9th
gigapros web hosting - 2nd
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With the business related listings in many cases I hold better ranks than the companies I talk about ! Also same with news stories we cover .. in past I have beat BBC News and other news sites with rankings etc. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013

I would also like to point out that my domain is not present within any of the keywords .... Its all 'clever SEO' with the actual content :) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013

the 'salsa' listings are actually another Boonex member's article at my network (Nathan of Global Dance Network).

I managed to get him and his network on page #1 of Google and in-fact NUMBER ONE in the WORLD for his niche also beating YouTube, eHow and other HUGE sites for several different keywords and keyword combinations  ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
31 Jan 2013

I don't think my site is getting ranked at all.  What site or software do you recommend to check your website's rank?

2 Feb 2013

 Google webmaster tools is maybe the best and most informative !  that's my opinion ;)

There are other online services too you can use to check but information's are limited unless you pay etc ...

I don't think my site is getting ranked at all.  What site or software do you recommend to check your website's rank? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
2 Feb 2013

usually if you manage to do well with BIG G then you will most likely have great results with all search engines so Webmasters Tools should be what your looking at and learning from ;) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
2 Feb 2013

again, where are you for "organic search" results?

I would show more but can only clip so much.

Hit me up for SEO results...

4-2013.png · 191.4K · 1345 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
9 Apr 2013

I might add, each* you see, is of course worldwide google sites, not just

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
9 Apr 2013

 Maybe this is why you get high rankings! Working all hours lol ;-)


Congrats though, great result!

Off to bed, it's 5am


9 Apr 2013

Follow up to my SEO work... hit me up.

You don't have to have an adult site to get on top. This comes with no $$ spent EVER.

on-top-now.jpg · 297.6K · 1414 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
9 May 2013

PM sent.

11 May 2013

Personally I don't even bother checking Yahoo, Bing, Yandex. I get almost nothing from them compared to Google. You never know if they will pick up in the future though. The title (caption) of your Dolphin post whether a blog, article, forum or what have you will be the most important for Search engines. Title/caption can make a big difference, however onsite seo is only half of the ball game. Offsite seo is just as important as long as you don't overdue it.


If you are looking for some SEO keyword rankings, trackers, and stats a couple of decent free ones are:


Limited free features, but one of the better paid:


Free backlink info/checker:


Limited free backlink checkers, with better paid options:


Of course there is always Google Webmaster Tools and Analytics that will provide you with tons of stats for free.

I have a few others on file that I would need to find where I have them filed. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
12 May 2013

I am using Webmaster Tools by Google but for some reason he just refuses to get the right content.

I followed newton`s and Detective08`s advices (by the way thank you again for help and advices:) ), but google still does not get the right title, description. This is what I have:

     <link rel="icon" href="/OffIcon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/OffIcon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> 

<title>WiseUpTop - share and tell about your activities and interests.</title>

<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type' />

<meta name="author" content="yyvskiy">

<meta content='new social network, interest based, activities, interests, sharing' name='keywords' />

<meta content='Interest based, new social network for sharing your interests and activities. Free to join. Share interesting content and find out what others are interested in.' name='description' />

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

I have this in splash.php, in Advanced setting via Admin Panel and in _header.html.

I do not know if I should be patient and wait till Google get`s everything correctly or if I am making mistakes in some way.

I thought maybe the problem is because my landing page is*, instead of simple*?

Instead of my title google shows 'Home' and instead of description it gets old text telling about that site is under final stages of construction.

Any advices?


Edit: I have sent sitemap.xml to Google as well.

12 May 2013


I thought maybe the problem is because my landing page is

 Most of that looks great, I notice your only using the h2 tag.

It is best to use h1 e.g.

<h2 class="h2forsplash">
  <img class="logo" src="/OFFLOGO.png" width="150" height="150">
  Share and search for what you are interested in.


You may have to change the sizes but the h1 tag is very important.

Not sure if you have, I didn't check, added those "keywords" into the _header.html; if you have, remove them. Dolphin put the site "slogan" and keyword in automatically as it's pulled from the Advanced Settings.

Leave all the other extra stuff... and yes, it will take time to see some changes.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 May 2013

check this info, your description is too long and you need a better choice on keywords.

site-audit-tag-keywords.png · 634.9K · 1232 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 May 2013

There is another good way to get "seen" more by google; make a video about your site or some of its features.

This always brings traffic to the site(s.)

keywords-and-youtube.jpg · 115.8K · 1262 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 May 2013

So everyone will be on the top, millions and millions of us?

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 May 2013


So everyone will be on the top, millions and millions of us?

 Don't you just wish... wait, were are the millions and millions of us? Last I counted, maybe 400K sites...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 May 2013

 Thank you very much for all the advices, it is very helpful and useful :)


A few more small questions:


I used the site you said you are using ( and there is a line in the analysis that also can be seen in screenshots you made:


Keyword relevancy to page content is terrible. 




Should I pay attention to that and correct it in some way? If yes, than how?


About the keywords I have put in _header - I have put the same description and keywords in header, in Admin Panel and in splash. I should remove them? I am just not sure if you are talking about 'Share and search for what you are interested in.'  which are on my splash page or about the ones I have put in meta description?




Edit: this really bothers me as well. On the screenshots you have posted it shows meta-description. But when I do the check I get this horrible mess.

Your site displayed on a search engine page.
WiseUpTop - share and tell about your activities and interests.
username password keep me logged in join now! share and search for what you are interested in. tell tell people who you are and what you are interested in. share share your interest or activity with ...




I thought maybe the problem is because my landing page is

 Most of that looks great, I notice your only using the h2 tag.

It is best to use h1 e.g.

<h2 class="h2forsplash">
  <img class="logo" src="/OFFLOGO.png" width="150" height="150">
  Share and search for what you are interested in.


You may have to change the sizes but the h1 tag is very important.

Not sure if you have, I didn't check, added those "keywords" into the _header.html; if you have, remove them. Dolphin put the site "slogan" and keyword in automatically as it's pulled from the Advanced Settings.

Leave all the other extra stuff... and yes, it will take time to see some changes.



12 May 2013



I used the site you said you are using ( and there is a line in the analysis that also can be seen in screenshots you made:
Keyword relevancy to page content is terrible. 

 I use a couple different ones... was the one just used.

These are my results, I could remove the words "free and hot" and score higher here but I leave it there.

Meta tags analysis.
Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 80 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is excellent.
The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.

Description: Description meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 98 characters.

Description relevancy to page content is excellent.
The Description relevancy to page content is 100%.

Keywords: The keywords tag contain popular words.
The keyword(s) 'free, hot' are popular words and ignored for the most web sites.
Keyword relevancy to page content is fair.
The keywords relevancy to page content is 69%.


this is handy as well:

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
12 May 2013

I found this one interesting about my site

The web page contain poison keywords.
The word(s) 'forum' are poison keywords. ... Hosted by!
12 May 2013

Well this one  gets everything right, but doesn`t find the description or keywords and shows something simular to what I have showed in previous post:

Text the spider sees:

WiseUpTop share and tell about your activities and interests. Username Password Keep me logged in


As for, it get`s everything right:       (I tried Google Bot, Spider Robot and Fast Web-Crawler)

Your site displayed on a search engine page.
WiseUpTop - share and tell about your activities and interests.
Interest based, new social network for sharing your interests and activities. Free to join. Share interesting content and find out what others are interested in.


So is it the website I use for analytics is doing it wrong or do I have to fix the homepage to make everything correct?

12 May 2013

I made a video, now I just need to get it up there on Google.

13 May 2013

Still doing good on total "organic" search results and using the H1 tag at the top.

july-2-2013.jpg · 350K · 1052 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
3 Jul 2013

Where the best place to use the h1 tag in the templates? should it be the same on all your pages? or can you put dynamic data in it?


newton: I don't see your H1 tag anymore on newbettle...... did you remove it?

3 Jul 2013


Where the best place to use the h1 tag in the templates? should it be the same on all your pages? or can you put dynamic data in it?


newton: I don't see your H1 tag anymore on newbettle...... did you remove it?

 I use it (H1) in the _header.html, shown on every page.

Yes, I removed it from new beetle to see what or how it effected the searches, and it has.

I will be putting it back on that site soon.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
3 Jul 2013

i use to stress about all this,, then i just gave up and let the site grow on its own,, i get pretty high in some keywords then it goes back down, then back up,, too much of a headache to worry about daily

MY SITES general social networking | niche site
3 Jul 2013


i use to stress about all this,, then i just gave up and let the site grow on its own,, i get pretty high in some keywords then it goes back down, then back up,, too much of a headache to worry about daily

 I don't stress at all, I do want all this because it is growing the site organically, I'm not spamming any adult site at all, matter of fact I'm currently just promoting the post from Facebook.

top-ten.jpg · 531.4K · 1508 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
11 Jul 2013

This is a cool new feature from statcounter.

Lot's of info here.

Now I can see the "social" hits, those are from the boosted posted "statuses" on FaceBook.

traffic-sources.jpg · 29.7K · 922 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
14 Jul 2013
14 Jul 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.