I added some new
optionally profile fields that users can complete Editing their
profiles. The problem is that the fields appear even if they are not
filled, with the mention: "=wrong=".
I would like they don't appear if there are empty. If it's not
possible, how to replace the mention =wrong= with everything else ?
Thanks for your help !
Open the file "templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php"
Find the line "if( !$sValue1 )" it will be in line 266.
Replace it with
if(!$sValue1 || $sValue1 !== '=wrong=')
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Is this for unpopulated fields within a block, because not displaying on the profile was working for me by default and did not require a code change. What I would like is for the entire block not to display on the profile if none of the fields within it are populated. |
Yes, it will work default.
but here nancycity has created this own list. This solution suites only for him.
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Got it, thanks. Any thoughts on how to make it so block doesn't appear on profile if none of fields within is populated? |
Try adding this before
"echo DesignBoxContent( _t($sCaption), $sRet, 1 );" in that function
return '';
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Hi Praveen - I assume your post above is in response to my hope to have the block not display is there are no items populated. I tried what you suggested and it doesn't seem to have any affect. Any further thoughts? The code now is:
if(!$aItems) return ''; echo DesignBoxContent( _t($sCaption), $sRet, 1 );
Hey there, I am trying something similar, have you found a work around? |