Has Boonex team been sleeping on the wheel ?

If I had a business & if I get a request that a potential client/member wants to purchase a Product from me, that should be a priority for me to respond accordingly.. But my request to purchase a Mobile App for my site has been gone down the drain.. I understand the timezone between us, but It has been almost 48hrs, yet, I have not even received a courtesy email/txt that someone will get back to me.. I sent a text as well as an email, and nobody has responded so far..  This is not good at all..

They are either getting super Rich or they are taking on big projects and as result we have become the second class citizens so to speak.. Undecided

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

in their defense - if you look - it tells you how to get the mobile app - one of these memberships gives you access to rebranding the mobile app - but there is a free version already in the Google Play store and Apple store. Look up Boonex App.


But, I do agree, they seem to be working on non important things vs important things that we are really looking for (like this change to the forums every month or so)

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

I agree, but I have some questions..

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

only thing i can say is - ask your questions here like you have been doing - surely someone will help out. But be specific on what you want to know though.

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

Ok. Here is one feature that is worth the investment for me to use Mobile App on my site:
Is Boonex Mobile App compatible with Chat+ ?  Please see attached, they have Chat+ part of the Dolphin, but I doesn't say whether or not it is integrated with Chat+ ?

I know Chat+ is fairly new, but if Chat+ is not yet integrated within Mobile App, I was wondering if I should wait till next version of Mobile App ?  


mobile-app-chatPlust.JPG · 39.2K · 433 views
Quote · 14 Apr 2016

i dont think it is part of the mobile app - but then again, i dont use the mobile app. with a responsive template - no need to. Plus, you get all functions with website vs mobile app - mobile app is limited in my opinion. I did use it in the past and it just was not beneficial for my projects

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

It looks like Igor has already been handling your request. Due to timezones and development time, please allow some time to hear back to some requests.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 14 Apr 2016

Indeed ! Mr. Igor responded.. Thx.

But, I am still trying to find the direct link where to purchase ONLY the Mobile App license..  I did see the page where to purchase the whole package at:
www.boonex.com/start   but I still can't see where to purchase only the Mobile App Mod ?


Quote · 14 Apr 2016

i dont think it is a separate purchase - and i think it has been asked here in the forums before. The only thing you really get is the ability to rebrand the app for your site name and such. maybe a bit of functionality changes can be made - but again, you can get full usage with the web site with all functionality - including the chat. and it works great on a mobile device using a website for the chat

Quote · 14 Apr 2016

There is no mobile apps license anymore. It was rolled into the Dolphin license. A license now includes mobile apps access, and the source can be downloaded from boonex.com/downloads.


There's only one license now, and it's available either monthly or as a one-time buy. Paid licenses from before are all intact as well.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 15 Apr 2016

As far as I see all questions coming in through team@boonex.com are being handled in due course. Some take a little longer, but as it is said - timezone and occasional overhead cause this. 


As Nathan said, there is no more "mobile license". You can download the code freely, but they will only work with a licensed Dolphin site or sites. Simple as that. So, if your site is licensed, you can already have the mobile apps without paying anything else. 


Thank you, and sorry that you had to wait longer than expected for the reply.

Heart Head Hands
Quote · 15 Apr 2016

 how does that affect the free mobile ap in the android and aple markets?

As far as I see all questions coming in through team@boonex.com are being handled in due course. Some take a little longer, but as it is said - timezone and occasional overhead cause this. 


As Nathan said, there is no more "mobile license". You can download the code freely, but they will only work with a licensed Dolphin site or sites. Simple as that. So, if your site is licensed, you can already have the mobile apps without paying anything else. 


Thank you, and sorry that you had to wait longer than expected for the reply.


Quote · 15 Apr 2016

Thanks Boonex team for the clarification, I had no idea the mobile app is already part of my license, I will download it and take it from there..

Regarding the delay, I do understand the timezone difference, therefore I do not mind waiting 24hrs for a feedback, but when it gets over 48hrs, I start wondering especially when we are trying to do more business with Boonex.. A courtesy email/text stating that you will get back  to us would have sufficed.. But it is all good now..


Quote · 15 Apr 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.