Ok. Took me 4 hours to figure this one out.
- First, you CANNOT save any kind of HTML in the Simple Html Block from within Page Builder. It flat doesn't save. (and yes, I clicked on the little html thingy and opened the source window). This is a brand new install on a VPS that I own that successfully hosts 3 other Dolphin scripts so it's not my s___t.
- If you create the block, give it a name, throw some senseless text in the tinymce crapeditor (why is that in there anyway? It's frikkin useless!), save it, then go into the database, you can manually enter the code (in this case, an I frame snipet for a Facebook app box) and get it to save.
- If you go back and open the html box in the admin page builders screen, it will delete all the html code upon closing it again. Just trust that's it's there. (did this 4 times checking to see if it was there ACK!)
AND, here's the one that really ticked me off. If you edit the block in the database, save it, then clear the cache, cache public And YOUR BROWSER cache, the changes the content you put in the box will NOT show up if you reload the page you installed it on. The block will appear EMPTY. In order to get the block to display it's content, you MUST go back into the admin page builder and MOVE the block to a different position! LOLOL>
Now come on guys and gals. This stupid HTML block has been a pain since There doesn't need to be an "Oh, I don't know crap so I need help writing simple html" Tiny Brained editor here. ALSO, if the admin is the only one that can access the dumb thing, why on earth do we need to purify any of the html going into it?
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
You should insert your code directly in database - sys_page_compose .
And if you open the block in page builder(after inserting code in database) it will alter the code in that block. So, don't do that..:)
so much to do.... |
Thanks! DUH!
The whole point to my endless posts on this is something that we've been saying over and over and over again. It is stripping the html from the box because it doesn't like certain tags, be it html or otherwise!
They have the html block IN THE ADMIN SCREEN being monitored by the htmlpurifier. WHY!? The admin should have FULL access to this block to do with what he or she pleases!
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Actually it is the tinyMCE editor itself that is removing the HTML tags. I was able to get it to preserve the HTML including iframe tags with a simple change. However i have not tested this change to make sure it does not affect the editors for the members. It should not though, the change is to an admin js file.
Edit administration\js\page_builder_tiny.js
Add the code marked Bold Red.
tinyMCE_GZ.init({ plugins : "style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras", themes : "simple,advanced", valid_elements : "*[*]", languages : "en", disk_cache : true, debug : false });
tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", valid_elements : "*[*]", editor_selector : "form_input_html", content_css : "plugins/tiny_mce/dolphin.css", plugins : "style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras", relative_urls : false, theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "forecolor,backcolor,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,|,link,unlink,image,hr,|,sub,sup,|,insertdate,inserttime,|,styleprops", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "charmap,emotions,|,cite,abbr,acronym,attribs,|,preview,removeformat,|,code,help", theme_advanced_buttons4 : "table,row_props,cell_props,delete_col,delete_row,delete_table,col_after,col_before,row_after,row_before,row_after,row_before,split_cells,merge_cells", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
entity_encoding : "raw",
paste_use_dialog : false, paste_convert_headers_to_strong : false, paste_remove_spans : false, paste_remove_styles : false
However it still like to rewrite the code. Cleanup it's called by the tinyMCE editor. I am still working on ways to deal with that as well.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I second that, Deano you are awesome!! BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Thanks for sharing Deano it is awesome........:) so much to do.... |
im gonna have to take a shot here,
was it not too long ago, that it was said that admin needed more safety, so as to not the let the admin harm themself?
Thanks! DUH!
The whole point to my endless posts on this is something that we've been saying over and over and over again. It is stripping the html from the box because it doesn't like certain tags, be it html or otherwise!
They have the html block IN THE ADMIN SCREEN being monitored by the htmlpurifier. WHY!? The admin should have FULL access to this block to do with what he or she pleases!
LOL, i think for most people who are unknowing, admin or not an admin, cleaning what is allowed in these editors is not truly a really bad idea. there is no telling what could or would end up placed in these files, that would ultimately prove detrimental to dolphin itself.
but yeah good one deano! great work.
i was looking for this to remove the ability to add href tags on the blogs, ended up breaking the whole damn site, if the chinese couldnt href's then the source they post in your site (specifically blogs) would not be near as potent.
should update my site before long, and see if i can get that worked out correctly this time. LOL
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Ideally there should be options in admin for all the editors as to what buttons are shown and what html tags are allowed. But we all know dolphins admin section is lacking a lot of basic configuration options.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
im gonna have to take a shot here,
was it not too long ago, that it was said that admin needed more safety, so as to not the let the admin harm themself?
Thanks! DUH!
The whole point to my endless posts on this is something that we've been saying over and over and over again. It is stripping the html from the box because it doesn't like certain tags, be it html or otherwise!
They have the html block IN THE ADMIN SCREEN being monitored by the htmlpurifier. WHY!? The admin should have FULL access to this block to do with what he or she pleases!
LOL, i think for most people who are unknowing, admin or not an admin, cleaning what is allowed in these editors is not truly a really bad idea. there is no telling what could or would end up placed in these files, that would ultimately prove detrimental to dolphin itself.
but yeah good one deano! great work.
i was looking for this to remove the ability to add href tags on the blogs, ended up breaking the whole damn site, if the chinese couldnt href's then the source they post in your site (specifically blogs) would not be near as potent.
should update my site before long, and see if i can get that worked out correctly this time. LOL
Apples and Oranges Mr Dawg. A slip of the finger isn't going to cause my site to completely wipe itself out if i save the nefarious code in the block now is it. That is of course, if I manage to find a way to execute "format c: /u"
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Just dropping back in. The changes recommended by Deano worked perfectly for me. I would like to see this moved to the 'Tips & Tricks' forum. Well done my friend.
This was such a simple fix, how come the boys at Boonex .... well, never mind. Stupid question, I'm sure.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
For some reason i can post full html script in my HTML block.
How i do it:
When i post it in and click save, the default block (without the tinymce) appear for awhile then disappear.
What i do is click on that before it disappear then click save again and nothing is removed. lol Found that out by mistake but it works for me!
Geminixx Lives! |
I would not rely on that method. It is a fluke. If things are properly loading you should not have enough time to interrupt it like that.
For most people that will not work.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
somebody is going to be upset, they were writing a mod to sell us in the market for $85.00
Just dropping back in. The changes recommended by Deano worked perfectly for me. I would like to see this moved to the 'Tips & Tricks' forum. Well done my friend.
This was such a simple fix, how come the boys at Boonex .... well, never mind. Stupid question, I'm sure.
deano, while you are hacking at tinymce, i thought i seen a plugin that would allow RSS feeds. can you get that hack written up. i spent a bit of time looking at it, i think it was mootools or something. not sure. but i know having that function on tinymce would be an excellent addon?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Was kinda wondering if tht was the cause too @deano Geminixx Lives! |
always a problem!!!! this has been an on going issues yet we have a new version with old problems
give us an option to set this on/off
I still don't get why admin strips a lot of things. You are the admin if you want to post it than so be it. We really need some separation between the admin and all other users. Why is that so difficult. Sure this or that shouldn't be posted and it sanitizes and all that crap. That is fine for regular users. I get so tired of editing the database to get something to take and stick. Sure as hell a normal user can't do that and won't have the patience to do it either for that matter. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
somebody is going to be upset, they were writing a mod to sell us in the market for $85.00
Just dropping back in. The changes recommended by Deano worked perfectly for me. I would like to see this moved to the 'Tips & Tricks' forum. Well done my friend.
This was such a simple fix, how come the boys at Boonex .... well, never mind. Stupid question, I'm sure.
deano, while you are hacking at tinymce, i thought i seen a plugin that would allow RSS feeds. can you get that hack written up. i spent a bit of time looking at it, i think it was mootools or something. not sure. but i know having that function on tinymce would be an excellent addon?
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Thank you very much one Deano.
One more time you come with the solution to mty problems
I would recommend to use JCE editor, its intended for joomla but think can be used here too:
I prefer the ckeditor. http://ckeditor.com/ Formally known as FCKEditor. Been using it in personal projects for years.
But it does not really matter. It's all in how the editor is configured. The JCE you point out is specifically written for joomla. So ripping it apart to intergrate it with dolphin will require a lot of work. The TinyMCE and ckEditors are written to be used for any web site. So they are designed to be intagrated into other platforms. https://www.deanbassett.com |
than I vote for ck editor :-) does somebody have information if boonex plan editor change in d8 ? |
As far as i know they plan to stay with TinyMCE https://www.deanbassett.com |
thats really bad... we all know tiny is a crap :-( I replaced it on my joomla site long tiome ago with JCE..all problems I had gone .... |
Thanks again Deano.
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |