1. Copy inviter.php to your Dolphin root. 2. Copy the OpenInviter directory to your Dolphin root. 3. Create a new hiperlink (in the main menu or anywhere else) which points to "/inviter.php" That's all. Have fun.
how to create hiperlink (in the main menu or anywhere else?
Go to Admin => Builders => Navigation Menu Builder
Click on a New Item from the Inactive Fields and drag it into position in the Active Fields section.
Now click on it and open it up and complete the fileds as follows:
System Name: Inviter
Language Key: _inviter
Default Name: (This is the name you want to appear on the menu tab)
URL: /inviter.php
Target Window: Same or New Window (this will decide if a new window pops up or the browser just proceeds to the link in the same window)
Check the boxes you want the item to appear for, Guests or Members or Both. This is up to you. I personally prefer to lock the site down to visitors to entice them to join vs. allowing them to run rampant around the site and never join. Dolphin has to many areas that visitors can create problems in even if they're not members.
Click Save Changes and your done.
I did what you said but I get this up, why?
should I change anything?
At the risk of being redundant, have you copied the file inviter.php to your dolphin root install location? This is the same directory that will have the admin folder as the top item followed by all the other dolphin folders and then at the bottom is a list of page.php files that reference each page at the base of dolphin.
Next, have you recompiled your language by going to admin => settings => language settings and clicking recompile language? It should have recompiled the language automatically for you, but sometimes it needs the nudge from you.
If it still won't go, post a link to your site and we'll check it for you.
I got into the settings, but found not recompile language,
it is too advanced for me |
I got into the settings, but found not recompile language,
it is too advanced for me
If you go to your Admin Panel please click on Settings. Below that will open a drop down menu in the left column that will list all the different types of items you have installed in that part of the site.
In the list you will see Language Settings unless you have accidentally removed it. In that case, you need to go to the wrench at the very bottom of the left menu, it will open a navigation menu for you that looks similiar to what you build the menu for your production site with. Find the block titled Language settings and move it from inactive fields to Active Fields under the Settings Column.
Then go back to your Admin Panels Main page, click settings and you will find it there.
Then look for this line in the language settings file:
English [en] (default)
Edit Compile Delete
And click on "Compile" this will recompile the language settings for you.
I've done it now, but it is the main page code
<?php require_once( 'inc/header.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' ); if ( !( $logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, false ) ) ) if ( !( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, true ) ) ) if ( !( $logged['aff'] = member_auth( 2, false )) ) $logged['moderator'] = member_auth( 3, false );
require_once('OpenInviter/frontend.php'); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $contents; $_page['header'] = _t( "Invite your friends" ); $_page['header_text'] = _t( "Invite your friends." ); PageCode(); ?>
Most probably your files are not uploaded correctly in your dolphin directory. Try typing on your browser www.yourdomain.com/inviter.php and see if you could see the inviter box instead of _page_main_code_ |
Try adding the link to templates/temp_xxx/_header.html ... and it will show on the very top.
I have done everything here, but still I get: _page main code_ |
Robin, give us a link to it please. We can't help with this unless we see it.
Also, where did you get this mod from? The creator should be helping you with this and it makes no sense if your following the install instructions correctly that it's doing this.
In addition, can I see what's in the OpenInviter folder that came with the mod? I might be able to figure this out if I can see the full code on it or a link to your site to play with it.
Robin, I got your pm concerning Openinviter and at this moment I'm not confident that this should be installed on your server. I've been taking a look at the code contained inside the files, and it uses a 3rd party system to send invites from your members to potential members. Now, this not something someone would do for free just out of the kindness of their heart. Take a moment and bear with me as I explain.
While the system is offering to enable your site to be able to connect in to any/all e-mail systems to send out invite e-mails it is also collecting data (specifically e-mail logins & passwords off those members) and transmitting that data through their own servers. I can only see one reason for this, to collect and use the data themselves.
Now, within the php files of this mod, there are tons of files and it makes several references to sending the data via an a href to openinviter.com... Not a good thing to do at all. My suggestion to you, is to get this thing off your server and forget you ever heard about it. There are far more secure programs out there than openinviter that will allow your members to invite friends without risking site security.
Any time a mod requires the install of a directory that is zipped up in a tar file and has over 100 files contained inside of it that the mod creator never mentions I begin to wonder what their purpose is. In this case I can realistically see it as an attempt to gain access to your server and servers data for their own purposes. A piece of software like this took months, if not years to develop, and this means if it's free it has a catch. The biggest flag I see is the inclusion of a config.php file that assigns a member ID to your site. This is done only to make the connection between your server and theres and to assist with their gaining access to your data.
Again, my recommendation is to get this thing off your server as fast as you can and do not attempt any further install work with it.
I was looking at this script last night. I was kinda worried about the possibilty of it being an email haverstering type of scam.
Thanks for the good advice again!!!
by the way the problem your having is listed on openinviter forum and its common. I say take his adivice and move to something else!!
Robin, check out this link:
It will only allow your members to invite 10 at a time via it, but it is a secure inviter that allows them to access their address books without the use of a 3rd party and I can assure you it works. The only thing I found annoying about it was that it took members to it upon login every time, but it has a switch in the admin panel to turn that off and they can just do the invites right from their Account page on your site.
In addition, the mod creator on this one does have a good track record for support and resolving issues with his mods.
This contact importer http://www.viralinviter.com/index-is.php? is a brilliantly done contact importer but very costly .Im using it on my site . I can integrate this software for anyone who is interested for a very small fee.
p/s dont buy it at $197 , close the browser and you will see a pop up box to buy this software for $147.
I am looking at the dolphinmods inviter myself. I have just one question how can you get to work with affilaite system.
I asked today and it does not track with dolphin affilaite id so if a user is an affiliate how would you add the invited members to the users affilaite account.
Would you have to move them manually? or can you could I manually change the tracker id in the invite to the users affilaite id?
I am looking at the dolphinmods inviter myself. I have just one question how can you get to work with affilaite system.
I asked today and it does not track with dolphin affilaite id so if a user is an affiliate how would you add the invited members to the users affilaite account.
Would you have to move them manually? or can you could I manually change the tracker id in the invite to the users affilaite id?
I would say adding an additional line of code to handle the affiliates ID, simliliar to how it handles member ID would work perfectly in this case. At the most it should be an additional string in the php and the sql files.