OK, I know that I am still a noob, but I will walk you through what I am doing - as a tutorial I guess - anyone else with better ideas, please help out as I may be looking at things incorrectly:
First off - looking at your question and screenshots - we know that the categories shows up in one block but not another - so lets find our 2 block templates.
In the groups case - your screen.png is the unit.html template, and the tothis.png is the entry_view_block_info.html template. Both found in modules/boonex/groups/templates/base. So, my first thought would be to copy the variable (__cats__) from entry_view_block_info.html to where you want it at on unit.html.
Now - this did not work as I originally expected. So that tells ME, that there is a different sql statement that handles that block - so now to find the function for it. Here is where understanding the basic concept of modules comes in handy.
I dont know if the is the best way to do this, but it is the way I am working through it to try and help you. in the groups module, classes folder, BxGroupsTemplate.php, starting around line 24 find:
function unit ($aData, $sTemplateName, &$oVotingView, $isShort = false)
if (null == $this->_oMain)
$this->_oMain = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxGroupsModule');
if (!$this->_oMain->isAllowedView ($aData)) {
$aVars = array ('extra_css_class' => 'bx_groups_unit');
return $this->parseHtmlByName('twig_unit_private', $aVars);
$sImage = '';
if ($aData['thumb']) {
$a = array ('ID' => $aData['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aData['thumb']);
$aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'browse'), 'Search');
$sImage = $aImage['no_image'] ? '' : $aImage['file'];
$aVars = array (
'id' => $aData['id'],
'thumb_url' => $sImage ? $sImage : $this->getImageUrl('no-image-thumb.png'),
'group_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aData['uri'],
'group_title' => $aData['title'],
'created' => defineTimeInterval($aData['created']),
'fans_count' => $aData['fans_count'],
'cats' => $aData['categories'],
'country_city' => $this->_oMain->_formatLocation($aData),
'snippet_text' => $this->_oMain->_formatSnippetText($aData),
'bx_if:full' => array (
'condition' => !$isShort,
'content' => array (
'author' => getNickName($aData['author_id']),
'author_url' => $aData['author_id'] ? getProfileLink($aData['author_id']) : 'javascript:void(0);',
'created' => defineTimeInterval($aData['created']),
'rate' => $oVotingView ? $oVotingView->getJustVotingElement(0, $aData['id'], $aData['rate']) : ' ',
return $this->parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aVars);
The section in Blue is the section to add - BUT MAKE A BACKUP FIRST.
What this is doing is, pulling in the info from the categories field and assigning it the variable of __cats__, which you should have on the Unit.html page, and now instead onf __cats__, it should display what is in the categories column.
And as always - clear all of your caches