It is obvious that during the process of building and learning the mammal Dolphin one of the toughest part to get your hands around are the settings for cache. It is a very long drawn out process and Dolphin has even designed a behind the scene test which is a great start. However there are conflicting posts of which and what are the best possible settings for my site. Some even conflict with the suggested settings...
Although this indeed seems like rocket science to me with all the possible iterations, this is something I have no idea why this would not be at the top of the list to be provided from Dolphin to make sure the settings are PERFECT so that their customer, me and my clients, or my users get the best possible experience.
You go through so many possible options that it is ridiculous.
Is the Google and mod_pagespeed an issue for Dolphin and how do I get the proper setting's for cache? If the mod_pagespeed for appache is a good thing to use what are the proper settings for it and why is it not already posted in the forum as it should or should not be used?
I guess Google is just not as Important to some as it is to others?