Hello all!
I have quick question. I want to use the Google Analytics code and it says to place just before the </body> tag on the page or pages you want to track. I am guessing but I am also asking since I changed a uni file before and I screwed up a PHP page. When you make a change via DW and upload a coding change to Dolphin it doesn't exactly match with uni files. So I am not going there again. I am using Dolphin 6.1.6.
I see 2 files where I can add the Google Analytics code. In templates - index.html file or, not likely, templ - uni, index.html file. I just want to track how many hits my homepage gets with Google's tracking code.
I have limited knowledge with PHP & MySQL. On the tap to start learning that later this week.
If you have an answer, please let me know. Thanks!