You have tons of users who upload pictures, videos and music and you just phisically are not able to check everything, manage and keep in order your site content. We completely understand you and we developed this modules specially for YOU!
It works as follows:
Once you downloaded it and installed, it turns on moderation automatically (the uploaded cotent will be available on the website after approval only) for the following modules : Pictures, videos and music.
Admin has to set up the amount of votes the picture, video or music file should get to be active on the website.
This is all admin has to do, the rest is users' job :)
Users (who's membership level allows this. The membership level is set up by admin) have the block on member.php page to moderate uploaded pictures, videos and music files
All moderator has to do is to choose the picture or video or music file he likes and click on approve. If file got "N" amount of negative votes, moderator is able to hide it. The "disapprove" button will hide this file from the moderation panel and ater this, administrator only will be able to restore this file to be visible on the website
The picture, video or music file will be active on the website (available for view for all users despite of membership level) when this file got "N" amount of positive votes and all members will be able to comment and vote.
Users can hide the moderation block if they do not want to take part in the site content moderation or they can moderate only content they like, for example videos only. This can be set up on the member settings page.
In the end - you get the SELF - MODERATED website where users choose and active the content they want to see on your website
view more details here