Flash and HTML promo block

Hi everyone, I would like to use both the PROMO FLASH and HTML BLOCK in the promo block area. How wold I do this. I know how to use one or the other but would like to use both. If that can not be done I would settle for adding a box of the same size as the flash block.  Thanks, John M



Quote · 8 May 2009
2 ways to do this
1) Edit file templates/tmpl_uni/page_1.html
__include _header.html__
__include _footer.html__
__include _header.html__
<div class="promo_code_wrapper">Your html code here</div>
__include _footer.html__
You need to edit this file every time you will change your promo code.
2) Edit file inc/design.inc.php
find function getPromoCode (almost at the end of file)
Hide the code as is red
Add code as is green
function getPromoCode()
 global $site;
 global $logged;
 $custom_promo  = getParam( 'custom_promo_code' );
 // if( getParam( 'enable_flash_promo' ) != 'on' )
 // $sCode = '<div class="promo_code_wrapper">' . getParam( 'custom_promo_code' ) . '</div>';
 // else {
  $aImages = getPromoImagesArray();
  $sImagesEls = '';
  foreach ($aImages as $sImg)
   $sImagesEls .= '<img src="'.$site['imagesPromo'].$sImg.'" />';
  $sPromoLink = $site['url'] . ( $logged['member'] ? 'member.php' : 'join.php' );
  $sCode = <<<EOF
   <script type="text/javascript" src="{$site['url']}inc/js/jquery.dolPromo.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready( function() {
     $( '#indexPhoto' ).dolPromo( 6000, 0.28125 );
    } );
   <div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location='$sPromoLink'">
                        <div class="promo_code_wrapper">{$custom_promo}</div>
 // }
 return $sCode;
The choice between Use Promo Flash Reloader and Use custom HTML block will now not work,
both areas will now appear.
You can use TinyMCE to add and edit your html code to the promo block as usual.
Quote · 8 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.