Hello. I am using version 7.1.5.
When I go to Fields Builder > Edit Profile the Featured item (Show this member in "Featured" block of index page) is there for Admin but not for Owner. In other words, it is available in the Inactive Items section down at the bottom for Admin but not in Inactive Items when I go to Owner. The result is that I can only make my own profile featured but not anyone else's.
How can I fix it so is available for Owner as well?
Thank you.
UI don't use this and never will. My guess is that only Admin can make a profile featured, otherwise every owner would make theirs featured and the whole purpose of the concept would be wasted. |
I am the Admin. I am trying to configure the Fields Builder area so that I can make certain members profiles Featured. But I don't see the "Featured" item anywhere except in Fields Builder > Edit Profile > Admin. Why is not also available for the Owner? |
In https://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolphinAdminManual it says, "You can make an active member featured by checking the Mark as Featured check-box above the photo section."
That is what I want to be able to do. I AM the administrator. How do I do this since the item called "Featured" is not in the Inactive Section when I go to Fields Builder > Edit Profile > Owner? And hence the "Mark as Featured" checkbox is not there when I go to a member's profile.
When an Administrator visits a member's Profile, there is a button in the Actions block to make the Profile featured. Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
I don't see that button. The only buttons I see in the Actions section of the profiles are Contact, Befriend, Get E-Mail, Report Spam, Subscribe, Fave, Greeting, Share, and Block.
How do I get the Featured button on the profile pages in the Actions section? For some reason it is not there.
My mistake, I did not read your first post to see that you are using an old version of Dolphin. Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
I don't understand your response, modzzz. Does that mean that the ability for me to make members' profiles featured is not available in the version I am using? |
I think that was done by Administrator editing the Profile. I do not Dolphin 7.1 installed presently and I cannot recall the exact functionality. I have an Admin Tools module that added the Featured functionality to the Actions block of the Profile for Dolphin 7.1. However, the latest version of Dolphin does that by default.
I don't understand your response, modzzz. Does that mean that the ability for me to make members' profiles featured is not available in the version I am using?
Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |