Featured Members

I have a few questions about Featured Members:

  1. Does anyone know how to add the users name to the featured members box?  Currently it only shows their image.
  2. Is there a way to rank these?  It seems that currently its random.
  3. Is there a way to change how many are displayed?  Currently it shows 12.
  4. If I have more than 12 Featured members is there a way to have a "next" or "all" link

Thanks in advance for any help in these matters.



Quote · 1 Aug 2008

Admin --> Users --> Members -->


Select the Member ID link. When profile opens you'll be able to set Membership Types as well as Featured.


Admin --> Settings --> Basic Settings

Scroll down to bottom of page and you can choose the way MEMBERS are listed among other things

Quote · 2 Aug 2008

Thanks that helps answer question 3, anyone know about the other questions?

Quote · 4 Aug 2008

Pitfighter is correct.  I have also been looking for the method of adding the member name or Nickname to display under the photo *within* the 'Featured Members' block.  I have looked thoughout the entire admin control panel including the Builder section.  I do not see any place where you can instruct Dolphin to include the Nickname or anything else below the featured member photo.

My conclusion is, it probably needs to be manually added to the code.  Can someone tell me which file to edit so that I can enhance that little profile with a name or some other data I want to include?


Quote · 9 Sep 2008

Hey bizwiz,


Would this not work?


Backup file before you try.



// Template customizations


// profile Nick/Age/Sex etc.

$nick = '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $p_arr['ID'] ) . '">' . $p_arr['NickName'] . '</a>';

Pitfighter is correct.  I have also been looking for the method of adding the member name or Nickname to display under the photo *within* the 'Featured Members' block.  I have looked thoughout the entire admin control panel including the Builder section.  I do not see any place where you can instruct Dolphin to include the Nickname or anything else below the featured member photo.

My conclusion is, it probably needs to be manually added to the code.  Can someone tell me which file to edit so that I can enhance that little profile with a name or some other data I want to include?


Quote · 9 Sep 2008

1) Add user name/user url to featured member box


Edit file: base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php

Find: function getBlockCode_Featured


Find code bellow, added code is bold:


$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
     $ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $featured_arr['ID'], 'none' );
     $ret .= '<center>';
     $ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $featured_arr['ID'] ) . '">'; 
     $ret .= process_line_output( $featured_arr['NickName'] );
     $ret .= '</a>';
     $ret .= '</center>';

$ret .= '</div>';



2) Sql are now ORDER BY RAND, can be changed in this sql query, $featured_res

File: base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php

And: function getBlockCode_Featured


3) Answared


4) Yes, but that need to be coded


Quote · 9 Sep 2008


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 10 Sep 2008

Thank your lrepton and okweb. I have applied the code suggested by okweb. Identifying the location and the code block function was very helpful.

When I looked at the /inc/members.inc.php file, I found that it already contained the code that lrepton suggested. // profile Nick/Age/Sex etc. $nick = '' . $p_arr['NickName'] . '


This was not a solution

okweb's solution worked.

I have made only a slight modification to okweb's code. There needs to be a <br> after the close of </center> so that it separates the record from one below it. I also added a second field to make the Featured Member more interesting.


$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $featured_arr['ID'], 'none' );

$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $featured_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $featured_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a><br>';
$ret .= process_line_output( $featured_arr['CompanyName'] );
$ret .= '</center><br>';

$ret .= '</div>';

Thank you both for your help.


Quote · 18 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.