Fatal Error after install

Hi all, i have got this error strait after my install of dolphin+orca+ray suit free. Fatal error: Class 'DomDocument' not found in /home/u1/jord070/html/orca/classes/Forum.php on line 1741 with not much programing knowledge im qutie lost with what to do, any help would be much appreciated :) thanks Jordan
Quote · 13 Aug 2008

where are you hosted? for one, as its clear the server is not configured to run this script.

Technical Requirements

Dolphin requires the following pre-requisites for your server:

  • Linux/Unix (Red Hat, Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, etc.) or Windows OS, Apache Web Server
  • Ability to run executable files (necessary for ffmpeg.exe)
  • root SSH access (necessary for RMS installation)
  • PHP 4.3.6 and higher (register_globals must be Off, safe_mode must be Off, exec() must be allowed and allow_url_fopen also must be On) with mbstring, domxml and xsl extensions (they are required to run Orca forum and support UTF-8)
  • Sendmail or Postfix
  • shell or another interface for setting Cron Jobs
  • 20MB of disk space and 1MB of MySQL DB space for installation
  • 8MB of disk space and 50KB of MySQL DB space for an average user

Otherwise you will not be able to install and operate Dolphin properly.

it is also clear that you failed to read the requirements of this software.


hope this helps you get it solved.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 13 Aug 2008

Hi, im hosted with aplus, and yes it meets all requirment,

I have been running version 6.00 and it was working fine, but i desided to upgrade.

I think i know what is going on though, after reading your post it trigured in my mind that i will need to unquote a few commands in my php.ini file.

im also going to start it in a sql DB.

if i can not solve this i will report back asking for more helpTongue out

Thanks for the reply


Quote · 13 Aug 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.