
Facebook has removed file from the following URL:


It's unknown why Facebook did this, they also has broken links pointing to non-existing file.


Because of this Dolphin based sites are getting errors on view content pages. Since this file is cached locally, problem will occur after the cache is cleared.


It's recommended to apply the following fix until we release new version with the fix.

Place attached FacebookLocales.xml file into /plugins/facebook-php-sdk/ folder.

Then change path in /inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php file as the following:

$sXML = bx_file_get_contents (BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'plugins/facebook-php-sdk/FacebookLocales.xml');



FacebookLocales.xml · 24K · 1130 downloads
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Quote · 7 May 2017

I have a problem with a module. And should this post solve my problem? I had tried to follow your instruction but it didn't helped.


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php on line 1107

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Not Found <br /><a href="http://www.facebook.com/">Back to Facebook.</a> in /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php on line 1107

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: ^ in /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php on line 1107

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php:1107 Stack trace: #0 /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php(1107): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('Not Found <br /...') #1 /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php(1088): BxFMyLifeModule->_getLocalesFacebook() #2 /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php(1021): BxFMyLifeModule->_getLocaleFacebook('ru') #3 /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeTemplate.php(103): BxFMyLifeModule->getSocialShare(Array) #4 /home/eurorune/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTwigSearchResult.php(37): BxFMyLifeTemplate->unit(Array, 'unit', Object(BxFMyLifeVoting)) #5 /home/eurorune/public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResult.php(46): BxDolTwigSearchResult->displaySearchUnit(Array) #6 /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/c in /home/eurorune/public_html/modules/modzzz/fmylife/classes/BxFMyLifeModule.php on line 1107

Quote · 7 May 2017


I have a problem with a module. And should this post solve my problem? I had tried to follow your instruction but it didn't helped.

This indeed fixes those errors. Make sure the file was uploaded to /plugins/facebook-php-sdk and the line in /inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php was updated.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 7 May 2017


This might be a good time to look for other direct links to third party code that could go bye bye.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 7 May 2017

 I second this! Not every owner of a Dolphin side can change important things - change files - on his server at every time.


I think no third party website should have the power to bring with changes to the own code other websides down!







This might be a good time to look for other direct links to third party code that could go bye bye.


Quote · 7 May 2017



I have a problem with a module. And should this post solve my problem? I had tried to follow your instruction but it didn't helped.

This indeed fixes those errors. Make sure the file was uploaded to /plugins/facebook-php-sdk and the line in /inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php was updated.

 First I had updated the line in /inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php and then I had uploaded the file but I had to create a new folder named "facebook-php-sdk" in /plugins/. Because I didn't have it. Is that alright?

Quote · 8 May 2017

Thanks for the update, much appreciated and implemented.

All the best.

Enhance Your Onlne Experience. 4eLife.com
Quote · 10 May 2017

Thank you!

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 10 May 2017

Is it anyone that can help apply with these fixes and me with these changes

Quote · 10 May 2017


Is it anyone that can help apply with these fixes and me with these changes

Pm me or add me on skype at Expertzkris. I will help you.

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net
Quote · 10 May 2017

Thanks for the email alert!  I was freaking out what caused several modules to implode.  Everything back up and running now :-)

Quote · 10 May 2017

Thank you so much!

Quote · 10 May 2017


First I had updated the line in /inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php and then I had uploaded the file but I had to create a new folder named "facebook-php-sdk" in /plugins/. Because I didn't have it. Is that alright?

Yes, if you are running an older version of Dolphin that folder may not exist, just create it and upload the file as outlined in the instructions.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 May 2017

I must agree.  I am not a programmer.  When I have issues I must figure out if it's from the host or boonex.  I never thought it would be from facebook.  I have just solved some issues with the host, now the advice I got about the facebook issue became relevant. 


Boonex is awesome, when it works!

Quote · 17 May 2017

I applied the patch to my site last night no change so far.

Once I click the blog to edit or view I get this stuff:


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Not Found <br /><a href="http://www.facebook.com/">Back to Facebook.</a> in /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php:110 Stack trace: #0 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php(110): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('Not Found <br /...') #1 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php(91): BxDolSocialSharing->_getLocalesFacebook() #2 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSocialSharing.php(34): BxDolSocialSharing->_getLocaleFacebook('en_GB') #3 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/modules/boonex/blogs/classes/BxBlogsModule.php(1292): BxBaseSocialSharing->getCode('http://ujimaliv...', 'Beyond Obama', false) #4 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/modules/boonex/blogs/classes/BxBlogsModule.php(68): BxBlogsModule->getPostSocialSharingBlock() #5 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(399): BxDolBlogsPageView->getBlockCode_PostSocialSharing(110, '') #6 /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(315): BxDolPageView->genBloc in /home/ujimaliv/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110

Quote · 17 May 2017

Please recheck the modification, it looks like it wasn't applied correctly.

I applied the patch to my site last night no change so far.


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 17 May 2017

First of all why does the scrip rely on an outside source anyway. But applied the fix for a client and still doesn't work. Followed you instructions to the letter. But then it should be boonex that fixes it right, I spent good money to have a working item. Where is the batch?

Quote · 22 May 2017

Thanks for this, been pulling my hair out wondering why images and events wouldn't load.


This has sorted it :-)





Quote · 25 May 2017


Boonex is awesome, when it works!

 And when did you work normally?

Quote · 26 May 2017


Is it anyone that can help apply with these fixes and me with these changes

 Yes for money you will do everything. First you are offered an update. After that, nothing works. Then you will be offered super hosting. Then a super expert who will fix bugs, a new update and a super hosting.

Quote · 26 May 2017


У меня есть проблема с модулем. И если этот пост решить мою проблему? Я пытался следовать вашей инструкции, но это не помогло.

Интересно, почему возникают эти проблемы? Значит это кому нибудь нужно...

Quote · 26 May 2017

you need to fix demo site too



Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 27 May 2017


you need to fix demo site too


Thank you for the reminder, it has been fixed. 

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 27 May 2017

I have followed all the instructions and it did worked once.


However, it is not working now and I face the same errors as earlier.


I have made several attempts over the past couple of weeks to make it work. I guess the Gods of Codes are not happy with me.


Does it have anything to do with the hosting provider ?

Am I missing any key points apart from the instructions mentioned above ?


Please help me !!

Quote · 2 Aug 2017

@dxnation try to attach your modified BxDolSocialSharing.php file here, so somebody can point out the problem for you.

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 5 Aug 2017

I removed facebook connect completely from dolphin, and my pictures, blogs ect worked, today they have stopped working dispite having no facebook. whats going on here?

Quote · 29 Aug 2017

 This has to do with Sharing, not Facebook Connect. You still need to apply the fix.

I removed facebook connect completely from dolphin, and my pictures, blogs ect worked, today they have stopped working dispite having no facebook. whats going on here?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 29 Aug 2017

Must log-in to Boonex Forums more often.



TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 1 Sep 2017

I have received a reply from support advising me this could fix my website content pages and more. I am not at all familiar on even how to begin this process. Even with the information i have received. Any suggestions for a newbie such as myself?

Quote · 2 Sep 2017

i spoke with my hosting company to install this fix and they advised me that the arent able to find the sdk file needed

Quote · 9 Sep 2017


i spoke with my hosting company to install this fix and they advised me that the arent able to find the sdk file needed

This file can be downloaded by this URL:


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 9 Sep 2017

I have recently made this change as you requested I also have changed hosting services that has tried to resolve some of the issue i have been having on website resolved by trying to upgrade the version of dolphin . When trying to do so, wasnt able get the website to load properly is the response i received from host. They have advised me to have a developer of dolphin try to perform upgrade. Knowing the hosting service im trying to use offers to do the upgrades of dolphin version for free is there any suggestions on resolving this issue.

Quote · 18 Oct 2017


I have recently made this change as you requested I also have changed hosting services that has tried to resolve some of the issue i have been having on website resolved by trying to upgrade the version of dolphin . When trying to do so, wasnt able get the website to load properly is the response i received from host. They have advised me to have a developer of dolphin try to perform upgrade. Knowing the hosting service im trying to use offers to do the upgrades of dolphin version for free is there any suggestions on resolving this issue.

What version are you currently using?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 19 Oct 2017

I am currently using 7.2.0  version

Quote · 19 Oct 2017



I have recently made this change as you requested I also have changed hosting services that has tried to resolve some of the issue i have been having on website resolved by trying to upgrade the version of dolphin . When trying to do so, wasnt able get the website to load properly is the response i received from host. They have advised me to have a developer of dolphin try to perform upgrade. Knowing the hosting service im trying to use offers to do the upgrades of dolphin version for free is there any suggestions on resolving this issue.

What version are you currently using?

 I am using version7.2.0

Quote · 20 Oct 2017

I recently ran into this issue also with the social sharing and found a solution after a lot of searching! If you are running the most recent version of Dolphin, then the above patch won't really help you.

What worked for me is going to line 110 in inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php and find:

$xmlLocates = new SimpleXMLElement($sXML);

switch it to;

$xmlLocates = new SimpleXMLElement('/your/path/to/plugins/facebook-php-sdk/FacebookLocales.xml',null,true);
You can get the path to the file by looking at the error message. You could technically just leave it there and be good to go.

After I cleared the cache and reloaded the page I was having an issue with, I found it to be working. Just out of curiosity to see if that was the final solution, I reset line 110 to

$xmlLocates = new SimpleXMLElement($sXML,null,true);

and it continued working properly, so inserting the path to the xml must have re-set something in the database. Hope this can help someone else out!

I found the following info helpful in resolving this issue: You gotta use TRUE to specify that data is a path or URL to an XML document instead of string data, as per http://php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.construct.php

Quote · 7 Dec 2017

I fixed error  inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php on line 110: by changing this:

$sXML = bx_file_get_contents (BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'plugins/facebook-php-sdk/FacebookLocales.xml');

to this

$sXML = bx_file_get_contents ($dir['root'].'plugins/facebook-php-sdk/FacebookLocales.xml');

/inc/classes/BxDolSocialSharing.php line 107


I do not understand enough to know why it works like this 

Quote · 2 Nov 2018

Hello matp!


Sorry, but this replacement is useless because BX_DOL_URL_ROOT constant has the same value as $dir['root'] variable. Maybe the original reason has gone away and you may revert your change back.

Quote · 3 Nov 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.