Facebook Inviter from AntonLV - part 2

Quote · 5 Mar 2013

Hello, everybody!


Finally new Facebook version is released. It is compatible with the all Dolphins' versions and was corrected according to the last Facebook's changes.


Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 5 Mar 2013

Please advise on this error on new install?

Something about an absolute path must be used?

issue.jpg · 24K · 820 views
Quote · 5 Mar 2013

Can anyone tell me the time AntonLV is on?

Quote · 5 Mar 2013

Hello, !


Please advise on this error on new install?
Something about an absolute path must be used?


If you mean Image url for thumbnail parameter in facebook inviter's admin settings, you need to use Url here (not absolute path). If you don't set it, site's logo will be used by default.


Can anyone tell me the time AntonLV is on?


As you can see in our modules description, our Timezone: GMT +6.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 6 Mar 2013

OK thanks for the time.  I reinstalled the new version and when I push the invite or send button I got that error message.  I saw the admin section and I left it blank which should use the site logo in that slot.  I Googled the error and I hope you will as weLola's it says the issue is about an absolute path and not a internal call.  All I can say is I try to send an invitation after getting all the friends in the block and ALL return the same error. I don't think I have deleted your account on my site please try to invite anyone... 

Quote · 6 Mar 2013

Hello, csampson1!

Problem was in referral link. You have set it to http://, but it must be https:// for your domain.

I have corrected it and now facebook Inviter works fine for your site.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 10 Mar 2013

Seems you can no longer send several invitations simultaneously in the current version.  That was a great feature that will be missed

Quote · 23 Mar 2013


Seems you can no longer send several invitations simultaneously in the current version.  That was a great feature that will be missed

Unfortunately it became unavailable because of Facebook API had been changed.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 25 Mar 2013

But what does it mean?

That this mod will no longer works?

Quote · 25 Mar 2013


Facebook removed feature which allows to send one message to several members simultaneously. You can read one of our previous messages http://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/Facebook-Inviter-from-AntonLV.htm#198908 about it.

Facebook Inviter works fine, but now members can post feed only to single person at once.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 25 Mar 2013


I looked to add My Facebook Friends Block to accounts page. I am not seeing it. I would like to put it in another page if possible, Thoughts.

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Quote · 18 Apr 2013

Hello, !

Make sure that You Facebook Friends block is located in Active Blocks area for Account page via admin panel -> Builders -> page builder  and select Account Page. If not, then drag over it to Active Blocks area.  

By default you can use it only on My Account page. If you like to add it to some another page, we need to make corrections in the code.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 18 Apr 2013

Today I received an alert from facebook about the app for Facebook Inviter. Please advise :

our app, Bdum - Invite your friends has not enabled the migration for the July 2013 Breaking Changes.

Once you have confirmed your app is compliant or unaffected by the July 2013 Breaking Changes, set the migration setting to "Enabled" in the Advanced section of the App Dashboard. This will apply the July 2013 Breaking Changes to your app and prevent you from receiving future alerts about these changes.

Bdum - Invite your friends, is currently using the following deprecated features:

Social Plugins (Like Button, Like Box) without absolute URL's in their `href` parameter.

These changes will be permanently enabled for all apps in 72 days on Wednesday, July 10, 2013.

Quote · 29 Apr 2013

So? Any news re the above alert from Facebook?

Quote · 29 Apr 2013

Hello, lalaloo!

Thanks for your question!

You don't need to worry about July 2013 Breaking Changes. As far as I see from description, they will not influence on our module.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 29 Apr 2013

So today I find this problem.  When i click on "GET MY FRIENDS" button, I get the following error message

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.

BUT when I click the BACK button in the browser, I see that my friends are all showing.

I made no changes to the app on the site nor in the facebook site.

This is urgent.

Quote · 9 Jul 2013

Hello, lalaloo!

This problem occurs when domain name in facebook's app settings  (Website with Facebook Login -> Site URL) is not the same as domain name of the site. Also if you set domain name without https:// or http:// in facebook app's settings it also may be the cause of the problem.

If you are using our Forced Matrix System check Default referral link for members option (Admin panel -> Forced Matrix Sytytem -> settings), it has to have the same domain name as your site's domain name.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 10 Jul 2013


New 1.1.0 version was released!

The next features were added:

  • List with Friends groups: Now members can filter friends using facebook friends' lists and filter/sort friends by different criteria inside of each group.

  • New option for display friends list: Now members also can see friends who don’t allow to post to their wall.
    There are next groups for Display are available now: all, sent, cannot send, not sent.

  • Several improvements were performed for Find Friends feature: Now you can use it for selected group of friends.

  • Auto-scrolling is available now, which allows to scroll down to the selected friend's position after sending invitation.
  • Now  members who aren't logged to facebook see pop-up warning message when they try to send invitations.

How to update your current version:
If you don't have any modifications in default version, you just need to replace current files with the new ones, clear cache and recompile language file.


Enjoy our new verion!

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 29 Aug 2013

Hi Anton this seems to not work, when i click on Get my friends it does nothing, it just reloads the page. Can you help ?


Quote · 4 Aug 2014


Hi Anton this seems to not work, when i click on Get my friends it does nothing, it just reloads the page. Can you help ?


 Sure, could you provide us with your site's address and a test account via PM? Having FTP access will also be a plus in case we will need to apply some kind of a fix.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 5 Aug 2014

Is Facebook Inviter finished?

The URL doesn't work:


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Quote · 29 Oct 2014

Hello, !

We are still working on the new version of inviter module and when it will be ready we make the link available.

We try to finish it during 1-2 months.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 30 Oct 2014

Is this modul working now properly?

Quote · 22 Jan 2015

Hello, accept!

Module is not finished, yet, we still didn't find good solution for Facebook.

May be new version will include inviters for several social networks.

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 23 Jan 2015

If I might and please I think AntonLV is one of the best programmers here. This is not a programming issue it is a deign issue in my so humble opinion.  I have 3,765 friends on Facebook.  This APP was in the back of mind as I built that base of friends.  The issue is, as designed, if I were to simply just invite let's say 50, all 50 invites show up in a row on Facebook and NOBODY would appreciate that.  Again in my humble opinion this app would be so much better served and used if it was done through a private message and not a "Public" Invite that everyone sees.  Just imagine if on unity there were 50 invites to another site in a row how do you think that would be received? Sealed If there is a way to use the message aspect of my friend list we would have a winner!  If not as designed it's effectiveness would not only be misunderstood it could quite possibly become a real issue with and for everyone involved.   

Quote · 23 Jan 2015

Hello, csampson1!

Thanks for your remark!
We will take it into consideration for our feature version on which we are working now, since facebook closed getting friends list and post on friends' wall features for new API, we need to find new way for integration. 

Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV
Quote · 26 Jan 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.