Just finished upgrading to 6.1.2 and when I try to go to the home page of my site I get ths:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: bxdolclassifieds in /home/filipina/public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php on line 1097
I can still access my admin and my cpanel, but the error precludes anyone from visiting my site.....any ideas?
I've been into the classifieds php extensions and I didn't see anything that jumped right out at me as an error in the script, but I'm a novice still so anything subtle would have excaped me.....
Just noticed in the admin panel I am getting this error message.....I know they are related, but how do I fix it..... Message: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: bxdolclassifieds in /home/filipina/public_html/admin/manage_classifieds.php on line 49