I run an adult based (not porn) social site for people who want to meet like minded people.
The site has 2 major functions:
1) As a social site, for members to search others profiles for possible matches, friends, or connection.
2) to advertise local parties for people to meet in person for the same reasons.
When members are using the site as a social site, I would like only the members that are active and will answer emails, messages and the likes when other members try to contact them to be viewable. Members get very discouraged when they send out 10 messages and get no responses because those members are no longer active on the site. For this reason, I would like to have all profiles hidden from public view after 6 months, but have them become viewable again upon a successful login.
But when it comes to the local parties, I still want people to be members and receive invites to the parties no matter how long it is between logins. We do have people that attend parties but not use the site for connections, and some only come to a party once a year or less, but they do still come.
I do however want to drop people as members if they have been inactive for 2 years. I would rather deactivate their accounts than delete them. That way they can re-activate them if they request.
These things do happen, I just received an email from a guy who hasn't logged-in since 12-17-2012, who requested for me to update his login info. I consider this a member saved, but had he went another year, I would have liked to write him off and clean up my system.
If this is clear as mud, I understand. but kind of hard to explain. look at it this way. If you was looking for a match on a dating site, wouldn't you like to see only current prospects, or would you like to spend your time sending messages to people who have already made a connection, moved on with a relationship and left their profile open but with no one there any more. This could be very discouraging to people and cause them to give up, only to leave another abandon profile. I just want my site to be active and effective, but without throwing away those who wish to return later.
Hope this helps