Hello Yuval,
I think that the only way to do this is by making a change to the database. You need to add an entry to the sys_page_compose table which corresponds to the event calendar in the index page, in order to accomplish this.
I recommend backing up the sys_page_compose table before applying the following insert query. This query should work for you:
INSERT INTO sys_page_compose VALUES(NULL, 'index', '998px', 'Event Calendar', '_bx_events_calendar', 2, 1, 'PHP', 'bx_import(\'BxDolService\'); return BxDolService::call(\'events\', \'calendar\', array());', 1, 50, 'memb', 0, 0)
After the query, clear the cache. You can modify settings by going to the Page Builder for the index page, from the administration page. Hope this works for you.