I just created my first event. Everything worked out ok. My only issue (minor) is when I click on the event and read the description that I placed there, it's all compressed together. When I typed it, I added the line between paragraphs and it looked the way I wanted it. It was like the output didn't see that when I submitted it. To correct this, I had to go back and add another between all the paragraphs. Is there way to correct this?
Example (before)
clclclcl lclclclcl clclcll lclclc
clclclcl clclclcl clclcl
clcllclclcl clclcl clclc
Output: all the lines run together like 1 big paragraph.
clclclcl lclclclcl clclcll lclclc
clclclcl clclclcl clclcl
clcllclclcl clclcl clclc
Output: fine...2 sep. paragraphs.